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I’m Contagious!

I’m Contagious!

Our words are powerful. If we use words that focus on the negative, that negative perspective and attitude will infuse our conversations and infect others. If, instead, we choose to use positive, uplifting words, our positive perspective will permeate our interactions...

Featured on Friday: Alan Robinson & Dean Schroeder

Not every week can be a banner week, but I think most of the people on our team are really happy today is Friday. I know I am! But even during the bad weeks, each day we come back, partly because we like having money to pay the bills, but also because we love the...

Keep Your Book in the Conversation

Keep Your Book in the Conversation

I mentioned in yesterday's post that one of my favorite aspects of my work is developing long term partnership with clients. One of the benefits of a long term partnership with our clients is that enables us to support our authors in keeping their books in the...

Living Our Core Values: Partnership

Living Our Core Values: Partnership

As a company, we're a toddler: I've been working this new business full time not-quite-two years. I remember my daughters at not-quite-two. They didn't sleep through the night yet; they weren't potty trained completely; they spoke in single words and short phrases,...

Featured on Friday: Book Launch Specials

Spring and fall tend to be some of our busiest book launch seasons, and we love  working together as a team to create a positive and successful outcome for our clients. As the company has grown, we have extended our services to include webinars and special book...

What Threatens to Derail Your Dreams?

What Threatens to Derail Your Dreams?

I just laced up my shoes for 2 mile run, my first run in two weeks. I had to stop running for nearly two weeks even though I'm training for a marathon because I pulled a muscle and it hurt to walk . Today I am nearly pain free so it's time to run. The marathon is in...

Book Marketing: Why Blogger Reviews are Essential

Book Marketing: Why Blogger Reviews are Essential

Marketing in the 21st century is evolving fast. The digital revolution has changed the way people consume the news, pick up on new ideas and purchase goods. This is great news for smaller organizations (and authors) as, whilst a big budget is still helpful to purchase...

Training for LinkedIn Success: Contribute to Groups

Training for LinkedIn Success: Contribute to Groups

My good friend Maria has a fail-safe support system for her fitness training: The Running Buds. This group of women (numbering 127 in a secret Facebook group), regularly plans and meets for long runs, even in the worst weather. They provide accountability for each...

Training for LinkedIn Success: Focus

Training for LinkedIn Success: Focus

My best training runs are typically ones in which I am focused on what I most want to achieve. What I want is to run strong, to train effectively for my upcoming marathon (75 days.) My best focus comes when I have a great song and rhythm in my head. If I repeat the...

Featured on Friday: Meet Team Member Elizabeth Johnson

Featured on Friday: Meet Team Member Elizabeth Johnson

Today's Featured on Friday is a fun one for me. The blogging world is an interesting way to build community. It was through my own personal blog that I first met Elizabeth. She had been kind enough to leave a comment, which I then clicked through to discover her blog...

Training for LinkedIn Success: Collect Praise

Training for LinkedIn Success: Collect Praise

Along the route, at nearly ever mile, we saw the signs. Someone wanted Monica to be encouraged during her half-marathon. At each mile, they placed encouraging, inspirational posters, calling her out by name, reminding her of her own inner strength and perseverance....

Featured on Friday: Dr. Kathy Cramer

Featured on Friday: Dr. Kathy Cramer

If someone asked you what your biggest "WIN" was for the week, what would you say? Becky likes the Weaving Influence team to regularly share our wins, no matter how big or small. During book promotion weeks, my wins usually revolve around Amazon numbers or new book...