Team Buzz Builder

Team Buzz Builder is a permission-based network of more than 800 dedicated bloggers and influencers in the leadership and HR space.

This community of individuals signs up to participate in client book launches with the commitment to post Amazon reviews and share the author’s work on social.

When we mobilize Team Buzz Builder
to Promote an Author’s Book,
we see about 10-30% of Advance Reviewers
Participate by Writing an Amazon Review.

Here are some of the benefits

Team Buzz Builder for AuthorsFor Authors

Team Buzz Builder adds value by:

  1. Amplifying Reach: By mobilizing a team of dedicated supporters, Team Buzz Builder helps expand the reach of an author’s message. The team members actively promote the content to their own networks, which increases the potential audience and exposure.
  2. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Recommendations and endorsements from enthusiastic Team Buzz Builders can have a significant impact on attracting new readers or followers. It leverages the power of word-of-mouth marketing, which is often more influential than traditional advertising.
  3. Generating Buzz: By coordinating efforts, Team Buzz Builder aims to create buzz around the author’s work. This can lead to increased visibility, media coverage, and ultimately, more opportunities for growth and success.

Team Buzz Builder for ParticipantsFor Participants

Team Buzz Builder provides the opportunity to:

  1. Gain Early Access: By signing up to participate in a book launch, Team Buzz Builder members receive an advanced reader copy of the book. Participants get a first look at cutting-edge business leadership books before they’re released to the wider world.
  2. Participate in Live Events: Team Buzz Builder members get access to live webinar and virtual launch party events, providing the unique ability to connect with authors and thought leaders first-hand.
  3. Build Community: Team Buzz Builder actively involves and connects like-minded individuals who share common goals by building long-lasting relationships, collaborations, co-creation—all to foster an improved outcome for the community.

Join US!

We want to invite you to join Team Buzz Builder. If you’re interested in sharing meaningful messaging and supporting Weaving Influence authors, click here to sign up! You’ll receive an email from us when we have a new book launch coming up.

We respect your privacy. By submitting this form, you agree to our Privacy Policy regarding the handling of your data.

Vital Behavior Blueprint

by Dr. Julie Smith & Dr. Lori Ludwig

Your Year of Wonders

by Nick Tasler

Consumer Insights Revolution

by Steve Phillips, Ryan Barry, Stephan Gans, & Kate Schardt

Name, Claim & Reframe

by Andrea DeWitt

take less. do more.

by Glen Van Peski

“I have enjoyed being a part of Team Buzz Builder as I get early access to interesting and equipping books from authors that I might otherwise never know about that improve my leadership and my life.”  – Leslie Gornig

“Your program and team are incredible and the reviews for authors are genuine and authentic.” – Lisa Kosak

“Team Buzz Builder has allowed me to continue to hone my leadership and management skills. With only a few exceptions, the books I’ve reviewed have provided valuable insights and excellent examples any leader/manager can implement. Thanks for letting me be a part of the launch teams.” – Lisa Kelley