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Growing (and Other) Pains

Growing (and Other) Pains

Today, my foot is up and iced due to an injury yesterday, brought on by multi-tasking on my way out the door to an appointment. Chick-Fil-A lemonade, phone, laptop, and purse in hand, I left my home while participating in a conference call. My ankle twisted and I...

Earning the Right to be Heard

Earning the Right to be Heard

Last summer I attended my first blogging conference. (I wore a sock bun and everything!) It was a day packed with useful information, helpful tips and plenty of networking. Though I learned a lot, one idea in particular stuck with me. Scott Kleinberg, of the Chicago...

Social Media Questions Answered: Part Three

Social Media Questions Answered: Part Three

This post continues a series of answering social media questions gathered at this year's BK Authors Co-Op Book Marketing event. You can read Part One and Part Two. Now, for today's questions. What's a hashtag?! What do you do with it?  Hashtags provide a way of...

Featured on Friday: Bill Treasurer

Featured on Friday: Bill Treasurer

In our circle of thought leaders, authors, bloggers, and online influencers, we have connected with a host of talented folks. It doesn't seem fair to keep them to ourselves, so we've decided to share them with you each Friday through guest posts, links, and...

If You Don’t Like Sappy, Don’t Read This

If You Don’t Like Sappy, Don’t Read This

I've been building my company for more than a year now, depending on when you start the calendar. If you count from the first time I worked with a private coaching client (summer of 2011), then it's two years. If you count from the time I hired my first contractor,...

More Eyes Means More Engagement

More Eyes Means More Engagement

A lot has changed in the world of Facebook over the last two years. Shoot, a lot has changed in the world of Facebook over the last two months! It seems every time you log on something has been tweaked, twitched, or swapped out. Between the Edgerank roll out and the...

Social Media Questions Answered: Part Two

Social Media Questions Answered: Part Two

This is Part Two in the series of posts answering questions from the BK Author Co-Op Book Marketing Event. You can read Part One here. How do I maximize my blog? I write twice a week now. What else?  It is my belief that if you are going to take time to write a blog...

Keeping Social in Social Media

Keeping Social in Social Media

Church socials were a big part of my life growing up in the rural South.  And, church socials had rules.  Frankly, all socials back then, whether put on by the church, quail hunting club or ladies auxiliary had similar norms. You were expected to give, not just come...

Quench Their Appetite

Quench Their Appetite

A few weeks ago, I had a wonderful social media exchange with the community manager of a restaurant here in Chicago called Nellcôte. The interaction eventually led to an invitation for a friend and me to come to dinner as her guest. Needless to say, I was tickled. It...

Social Media Questions Answered: Part One

Social Media Questions Answered: Part One

I just spent a glorious weekend at the Berrett-Koehler Auhor Co-Op Book Marketing Workshop. As part of the workshop, I presented a panel with Chris Edmonds: "Create Your Active Community with Social Media." We began by asking the group to write down their most...

Best Book Launch Tips: Front Row to a Book Launch

Best Book Launch Tips: Front Row to a Book Launch

This post comes from Charlotte Ashlock, Digital Producer & Editor at Berrett-Koehler Publishers. I was so interested in her recent book launch experience with Rob Jolles, I asked her if she would turn it into a guest post to share with all of you. I'm so pleased...

The First (And Most Important) Step to Building Buzz

The First (And Most Important) Step to Building Buzz

At Weaving Influence, it is our job to ensure our clients' work receives the buzz it deserves. We're always curious to discover what types of posts receive the most the views and what time of day to post in order make the biggest impact. That means we are constantly...