The Book Marketing Action Podcast

with Becky Robinson

Guidance on Marketing and All Other Aspects of Your Author Journey

Discover everything you need to be successful in sharing your important work with the world. Join host Becky Robinson, along with exciting guests, for real conversations and actionable insights on how you can reach the biggest possible audience for your work.

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Show Notes

Episode 18: Amazon Ads for Authors

Episode 18: Amazon Ads for Authors

Click here to listen on your device and subscribe! Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson and Christy Kirk! In this episode, Becky and Christy talk about the importance of Amazon Ads during and after your book launch, how to effectively use...

Episode 17: Marketing Advice with Dr. Bob Nelson

Episode 17: Marketing Advice with Dr. Bob Nelson

Click here to listen on your device and subscribe! Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson, Christy Kirk, and guest Dr. Bob Nelson, an established author from San Diego, California. In this episode, Dr. Bob talks about what has worked best for...

Episode 16: DEI Resources with Guest Shabnam Banerjee-McFarland

Episode 16: DEI Resources with Guest Shabnam Banerjee-McFarland

Click here to listen on your device and subscribe! Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson, Christy Kirk, and special guest Shabnam Banerjee-McFarland! In this episode, we make a shift from our typical content. There has been so much pain and...

Episode 15: Why You Should Consider an Ebook Promotion

Episode 15: Why You Should Consider an Ebook Promotion

Click here to listen on your device and subscribe!  Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson and Christy Kirk! In this episode, Becky and Christy share how an ebook promotion strategy might land your next book on an Amazon bestseller list.  In...

Episode 14: Why Are Amazon Reviews Important?

Episode 14: Why Are Amazon Reviews Important?

Click here to listen on your device and subscribe!  Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson! In this episode, Becky Robinson and Christy Kirk talk about the importance of Amazon reviews and walk you through the steps of creating a successful...

Episode 13: Don’t Freak Out About Endorsements

Episode 13: Don’t Freak Out About Endorsements

  Click here to listen on your device and subscribe!  Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson! In this episode, Becky Robinson and Christy Kirk give you practical tips and action steps to finding the right endorsements for your book that...

Episode 12: Do You Judge a Book by its Cover?

Episode 12: Do You Judge a Book by its Cover?

  Click here to listen on your device and subscribe!  Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson! In this episode, Becky and Christy Kirk share the importance of a good title and book cover, and the difference they can make. If you’re a...

Episode 11: Book Launch Dates During A Crisis

Episode 11: Book Launch Dates During A Crisis

  Click here to listen on your device and subscribe!  Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson! In this episode, Becky and Christy Kirk share their expertise in launching a book during a crisis. If you’re worried about your summer book launch,...

Episode 10: Sustaining Energy for Your Book Marketing

Episode 10: Sustaining Energy for Your Book Marketing

  Click here to listen on your device and subscribe! Welcome to The Book Marketing Action Podcast with Becky Robinson! In today’s episode, after returning from the Berrett-Koehler Book Marketing Workshop, Becky continues the conversation about The Advancing Phase...