Is There a Limit?

Is There a Limit?

Facebook allows individuals to have 5,000 friends on their personal pages. I know a few people who are very close to that limit. The people I know who have nearly 5,000 Facebook friends each have a platform — a book or business that gives them visibility. They like ...


They stood, noses pressed to the glass, watching. A bit of shell fell off. The egg rolled around the incubator. Then it stilled. Little by little, a crack grew across the top of the egg. More bits of shell fell off. A minute or two passed with no movement. Several...
Small Things Are Big

Small Things Are Big

We’ve had a lot of new visitors to Weaving Influence over the past few days. Can I tell you I love that? We’ve also had a lot of conversation from visitors who have commented for the first time. Thank you. I try to acknowledge each comment with a thank you...
Do Something

Do Something

This post was originally posted at Mountain State University LeaderTalk and is reposted here with permission. I re-post it now as a reminder to myself to keep focused on my priorities. These are busy days, and I want to be sure to that I am using my time to make a...
Use Everything

Use Everything

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks at my house. I am now (temporarily) working what is undeniably full-time for the first time in 10 years. My focus word for this season: Adjustment. It’s an adjustment for me, as I figure out how to manage my work, my...
Love and Influence at Work

Love and Influence at Work

Gary Chapman has written a very successful and well-known series of books about love in marriage and families. The first, The Five Love Languages, introduced the concept that people give and experience love in one of five distinct ways. Although people may use and...