One by one, our daughters stepped up to the webcam, five girls in all: my three and her two.
My home office isn’t huge and with all the girls joining us for part of the Skype call, it could have felt crowded, but it didn’t.
I felt my world expanding in the small space of my office during those moments.
Margy introduced the girls to her dog and suddenly everyone had arrived at the first meeting of the Weaving Influence Team.
So far, it’s a team of three: Tamara, Margy, and me. (When you add in 5 kids and one dog, the first meeting had 9 attendees.)
I shooed the girls out of the room so we could all talk for a few moments and introduce ourselves. Tamara lives here in town; Margy’s in Indianapolis. We serve clients in three countries. (How cool is that?)
We’re just beginning but we have big dreams; we’re helping our clients use social media tools to build their influence online.
This spring we’re helping to launch three important books with messages that matter to us. (You’ll be hearing more about the books later, for sure!)
And… we’re each moving toward living the lives we want.
My vision in starting a business is about more than work; it’s also about empowering women to live with purpose and intention. I want to create flexible work opportunities so that my team members can do work they enjoy while pursuing other interests and maintaining balance with family and other responsibilities.
It’s also about me choosing and pursuing the life I want, one in which I have the freedom to go on school field trips and be home with my daughters for homework and afternoon snacks. I can choose to coach a client on Skype at 5 am (yes, I’ve done that) and wait to meet with a team member until all my girls are snuggled in their beds.
This is what it looks like so far: two moms and five daughters, hanging out on a Friday afternoon, connecting via Skype for a meeting with another team member.
It’s a little bit noisy, a little bit crazy, and a whole lot of fun.
A note: If you’re interested in working with the Weaving Influence team to build your online influence, to launch your book using social media, or on another social media related project, contact me via email.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
I’m not a woman, I’m Steve lord creative director of a small, but international award winning design agency in Manchester UK.
But I’ve read your piece, and making my guys n gals happy at work is of paramount t importance to me.
I might have the delightful title, but we’re really just a great team.
So I bought them a pool table because they were nit taking screen breaks.
I buy them donuts.
The company provides all the drinks, water and beverages; and the breakfast cereals.
There’s a tv in the boardroom with leather couch and magazines.
And a dartboard in the cutting room ( whoops, health and safety).
They are without doubt the best team of designers in the world!
And I think I help make them happy.
Steve lord
Creative director
Da Vinci communications