Every where I click online, it seems like people are writing year-end wrap-ups and talking about planning for the new year.
As we enter December, I am considering: What did I accomplish this year? Where do I want to be next year this time? What has defined my year? What do I want to do differently as I move ahead?
This has been a big year for me. I started my business this year, and left a steady paycheck in June to work full-time in my business. I recruited and trained a team of sub-contractors to work with me in the business. I went from serving one client to serving 20. I published two e-books. We launched 6 books on behalf of clients. By anyone’s standards, I have had a big year — a good year.
Yet there have been hard lessons along the way, ones I am learning are not unique to me.
- How do I manage growth while delivering high quality service to clients?
- How do I create cash flow that allows me to pay my subcontractors, pay myself, and reinvest in the business?
- Where is the balance between working in my business and working on my business?
- What is the work I really want to do?
- What differentiates our company?
- Will our business model scale?
- How do we sift through our ideas and opportunities to choose to focus on the best and most profitable ones?
I have been making some important choices lately, decisions that will shape the growth of our company, ones that shape my life.
The first, and perhaps most important one, is this: I will do the work.
It’s easy to get distracted from the work.
I have a new idea. I connect with someone new. A new opportunity shows up in my inbox.
What is more important is to do what I know I need to do, at the moment, the most important things, whatever they are.
The work.
There is some work that naturally happens: client meetings scheduled onto my calendar, other meetings. A decision to do the work means that I intentionally set aside time to complete the other tasks that require my attention.
I choose focus and commitment. I will do the work.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
“It is easy to get distracted from the work…I choose focus and commitment. I will do the work.” Yes. Yes, Becky,that’s it…great post
Thanks, David. I appreciate the encouragement.
Yes, a great and popular idea for year end and year beginning. Even harder for most of us is everything in between. Great post! And, congrats on a great year! Thanks Becky!
Thank you! I am grateful for your encouragement on the journey!
I really like your blog and I tried to subscribe, but feedburner said you deactivated subscribers. Please let me know when I can subscribe to your blog. I have to thank David Kanigan for connecting us!
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