If you’re like a large section of the American shopping public, you’re out there today, fighting the crowds to find a deal. Or maybe you’re like some of the folks on our team who prefer to avoid the after-Thanksgiving madness and do our shopping online. If so, then we have some great suggestions for you to add to your online shopping cart today (or at least, this holiday season!).
Please note: we have launched a number of books in 2013, and we think they would all make wonderful gifts, but for the sake of time, we’re only sharing five of them today.
Bill Treasurer – Leaders Open Doors
Looking for a leadership book that cuts right to the bottom line of the leadership issue? Something so simple even your 5-year-old could understand it? Well, since Bill’s 5 year old son is the one who came up with the initial concept of Leaders Open Doors, we think this might be the book you’re looking for. Better still – you will be giving a gift that will help others. Bill is donating 100% of the proceeds from Leaders Open Doors to help children with special needs.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iUniverse | 800 CEO READ
Chip Bell – 9 1/2 Principles of Innovative Service
Chip is the master of customer service. If you’re looking for a great book to gift your sales team this year, we highly recommend picking up a copy (or 10) of Chip’s most recent book, 9 1/2 Principles of Innovative Service. Written as a timely reminder that tough economic times call for a new approach, and packaged in gift book format. you can easily take care of your team list with a few copies of this book wrapped and ready to hand out at the office party.
Amazon (U.S. Only)
Mark Miller – The Heart of Leadership
Mark’s book, The Heart of Leadership, is number four in his series on what makes a great leader and a successful team. In The Heart of Leadership, Mark focuses on the fact that title and position in a company do not make a leader. In fact, you can work an entry-level job and be a leader, just as you can sit in a corner office and be lost when it comes to knowing how to lead. Short enough to read over the weekend, but profound enough to make a difference. As with all of his books, Mark is donating 100% of the proceeds to charity.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Berrett-Koehler | 800 CEO Read
Mike Myatt – Hacking Leadership
Hacking Leadership is one of two book launches we are gearing up for in December. Available for pre-order now, and in bookstores everywhere on December 16th, Hacking Leadership covers the 11 gaps every business needs to close, and provides a roadmap for how to get there. Written for leaders at any and every level, the lessons in this book are helpful whether you work in a cubical or find yourself with “CEO” behind your name. Perfect for everyone on your team to help get 2014 off to a great start.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bulk Buy Offers | 800 CEO Read
Ralph Jacobson – Getting Unstuck
The other book we’re buzzing about in December is Getting Unstuck, by Ralph Jacobson. If you want to achieve a higher level of success – or if you want your team to experience success – but you’re feeling stuck, then this is the book you want to pick up for the holiday office party. While the holidays are a time when you want to think positively, the fact remains that it’s not always easy to get people to work together, but Getting Unstuck could be the key to making 2014 the year of success, both for you and your team.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | 800 CEO READ
You Tell Us! Are you giving books to your team this year? What’s the best book you’ve read in 2013?

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.