Mysterious boxes have been showing up on my doorstep for the last month, which have now turned into beautifully wrapped presents peeking out from under our tree. I love the holidays! It probably has something to do with being born in December – both a blessing and a trial – but also with the fact that I love everything about the season.
First and foremost, I love the personal reason I celebrate (my faith), but I also love the sights and sounds, the baked goods, and the challenge of finding the “perfect” gift for every person on my list. Of the seven people in my immediate family (not counting in-laws and grandkids), it’s a pretty safe assumption that a book will be a gift appreciated by most of us – we are a family of readers.
If you have any last-minute gifts on your list, get a pen or have your credit card ready to click through these links and finish your shopping this weekend! Any one of the 20 books that we launched in 2015 would be perfect for a co-worker, entrepreneur friend, or that “reader” in your family. Want to give an extra “gift” to the authors? If you’ve read any of these books but have yet to leave a review, type up something while you’re buying a book for a friend and spread some extra joy this holiday season!
The Weaving Influence 20 in 2015
- Refire! Don’t Retire by Ken Blanchard & Morton Shaevitz (also available in large print)
The Hidden Leader by Scott Edinger & Laurie Sain
Sprinkles by Chip Bell (side note: I was very excited over his latest newsletter!)
- Flying Without a Helicopter by Joanie Connell (great for any parents on your list)
Talent Mindset by Stacy Feiner (FREE to read with Kindle Unlimited, if you want to read it too)
Dare to Serve by Cheryl Bachelder
- The Politics of Promotion by Bonnie Marcus
Chess, Not Checkers by Mark Miller
Wind in Your Sails by David Greer
The New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
The Disciplined Leader by John Manning
Wired for Authenticity by Henna Inam
The Anatomy of Peace by The Arbinger Institute
- The Genius of Opposites by Jennifer Kahnweiler (you might recall my earlier post about the opposites on our team)
Unseen Tears by Beau Sides (buying this book supports the work of Global Partners in Life)
Co-Active Leadership by Karen & Henry Kimsey-House
Disrupt Yourself by Whitney Johnson
Collaboration Begins with You by Ken Blanchard, Eunice Parisi-Carew, and Jane Ripley
The New Social Learning by Tony Bingham & Marcia Conner
- Mastering Leadership by Bob Anderson and Bill Adams
- We did a 1 year bump for Raise Your Voice by Brian Sooy (if you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read it for FREE!)
- Bob Tiede launched his FREE ebook this year, Great Leaders Ask Questions
- A non-book related idea: buy shoes for school children in Cambodia and help Linda Freeman support the work of Cambodian Care
Happy Shopping – Happy Reading!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.