From time to time on these Friday posts, I like to share a collection of online articles from the last month that I think you might like. This time I decided to get a few of my Weaving Influence co-workers involved in sharing some of their favorite links.
A big thanks to Kylah, Paula, Christy, John, Max, and Elizabeth for their help in suggesting links that you might enjoy. If you’re looking for something to read this weekend, this is a great starting point!
- We have to start with our very own, Becky Robinson. Check out her post on training for a marathon and running a business – in both cases, Committed People Do Crazy Things!
- As an introvert, I loved this post which includes Jennifer Kahnweiler and her new book (launching this week), The Genius of Opposites! Every Introvert Must Read This – great title, true statement.
- Going right along with the introvert/extrovert discussion, this doesn’t involve a client or a team member, but one of my (few) fellow introverts on the Weaving Influence team recommended this post – which I loved – The 4 Types of Productivity Styles.
- I’ve mentioned before that Whitney Johnson was part of our beginning, and now she’s back. This is a great (guest) post on her blog that ties in her first book, Dare, Dream, Do, and ends with her new book, Disrupt Yourself. From a Carousel to a Roller Coaster was written by Tiffany Sowby.
- We got a couple of recommendations for Chip Bell that you’ll want to check out, Roundabout Leadership for Innovation is found on LinkedIn, and How to Catapult Your Customer Partnerships to New Heights on Switch & Shift.
- This one isn’t a post, but it’s a great new blog from Erin Schreyer – be sure to bookmark this one!
- Not one, but TWO of our team members recommended reading The Invisible Force Behind Amazing Teams by Mark Miller.
- Melissa Lamson, President & CEO of Lamson Consulting, references Rick Springfield in Reversing Rick: DO Talk to Strangers on LinkedIn.
- Did you catch Part 1 of Is My Feedback Motivating from Susan Fowler? Then you’ll definitely want to catch Part 2!
- Rounding out the list are two posts from the Lead Change Group, A Critical Team Building Mistake to Avoid At All Costs by David Dye, and Is Your Leadership Soul Getting Its Wings? by Jon Mertz.
Now – we’ve shared our links, what would make YOUR list?

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.