You’ve already met Amy, Rachel, Christy, Elizabeth, and Megan, but today I am so pleased to introduce you to another behind-the-scenes member of our team.
You may recognize her name if you’ve been a part of our recent book launch teams. Joanna is the sweet person behind the emails and follow-up that you receive, and she’s a true delight to have on our team. I’m amazed at how much she accomplishes while taking care of a toddler and a newborn! She puts me to shame, and is a definite inspiration with her time management skills.
Meet Joanna Jones
Tell us a little bit about yourself, Joanna:
Born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which means I am a die-hard Bronco fan, despite their abysmal Super Bowl Performance. I come from a large family and hope to have one myself. I am married to a worship pastor and we play house with our two kiddos, a dog who is afraid of the toaster, a cat who thinks she is a dog, and my daughter’s two fish, whom she affectionately named Mickey and Donald.
Do you have any quirks that you want to share?
I hate it when my food touches other food. I love the plates with sections normally used for little kids, and if a meal is served with bread, I usually use it as the buffer between two runny things so their juices don’t mix. The only exception to this is Thanksgiving, during which the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and bread all get unified into one tasty blob thanks to gravy.
When you get downtime, what do you enjoy doing?
Reading, drinking coffee, and family dates.
Tell us a little bit about your WI experience (when did you start, what do you enjoy, your title, etc.)…
I have been working with Weaving Influence since February of 2013, and my favorite part of the job is the times we step away from work talk to do life together. I love the times when we share with each other via Facebook or email or whatever things that are going on in our lives, and I find great joy in knowing that I work with a wonderful group of people who all often take time in their day to pray for one another. My official title at the moment is operations, although it doesn’t really fit all that I do. I am trying to convince Becky to give me the title Jack of All Trades, Master of Nothing.
Do you have a social media tip you would like to share with our readers?
When tweeting, just deal with the fact that 140 characters often prevents you from being grammatically correct. Breathe. It’s okay. Life will go on.
Thanks, Joanna! We love having you on the team! If you’d like to connect with Joanna online, you can find her on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.