Our Team Buzz Builder members are so faithful to enthusiastically support every one of our book launches, as well as promoting each other’s blog content on a weekly basis. Now it’s our turn to support them!
We’re excited to recognize the following five TBB members who published a book in 2016! I hope you’ll take a moment to check out their books on Amazon and send a tweet congratulating each of them!
Mark Deterding, Leading Jesus’ Way
Leading Jesus’ Way is how you become the leader God created you to be. Read this book to learn an actionable model of servant leadership that will positively impact both your personal and professional life. Mark Deterding learned how to lead Jesus’ way from role models, from Scripture, and from personal experience. His career that took him from the shop floor to the executive suite with responsibility for thousands of people was a laboratory for him to test out this model and refine it. Mark knew what worked for him and he wants to help others learn to lead Jesus’ way. Leading Jesus’ Way will help you step into faith-based servant leadership, too. You can take your faith to work, get great results, and build up the people you work with using the lessons in this powerful book.
Find it on Amazon.
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Byron Ernest, The Hand in the Back of the Room
The challenge to all of us in education is to find ways to make learning visible by connecting school work and real life for the students we serve. One of the ways to do that is to call on “the hand in the back of the room” and answer “why” with real world relevancy. Teachers many times fail to provide a context through observations, inferences, and actions appropriate for students to make the connection to the real world. These connections help the students to understand higher-level science concepts. The ultimate goal of education is to improve student achievement and performance, and the contents of this book reveal that teaching science in a relevant context could positively impact this achievement and performance.
Find it on Amazon.
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Sean Glaze, The Ten Commandments of Winning Teammates
Winning Teammates are the people that make it possible for any group to succeed… the people who others depend on. In this book, you meet Nick Turner, a talented worker who finds himself changing jobs — again. While packing to move, he finds an old piece of paper tucked away in a shoe box… a forgotten gift from his high school coach with a list of ways to be a winning teammate. As he travels to his new job, he has a series of interesting interactions that illustrate the importance of the 10 Commandments his coach had emphasized years earlier. The ten lessons he benefits from during his journey will inspire you to be a winning teammate — regardless of the industry you work in.
Find it on Amazon.
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Rebecca Henderson, Serving with Significance
Many books on volunteerism and leadership are more theory than practice. Serving with Significance is full of easy-to-follow tips that can be implemented immediately by its readers. Although some people are lucky enough to be born leaders, leadership is a skill that can be learned. Like most skills, the more it is practiced, the better one gets. The concept of volunteerism at its very roots is changing the community and the world in which we live. Serving with Significance is designed for every type of group, from formal to informal, local to international, prayer group to professional group, social to humanitarian, and especially membership-based organizations. While the primary audience is that of the nonprofit sector, nearly all of the tips that follow are equally applicable in a corporate setting of any size. Leading the charge toward making a positive difference in the world is one of the few opportunities that every person can take advantage of at any point in his or her life.
Find it on Amazon.
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Jim Lange, 65 Ways to Calm the Storm Within
No matter what is going on around you, you can be at peace. It’s true. Because of the impact of that book and from listening to the requests of those in crisis, he now shares 365 bite-sized chunks which can make the truth of peace a reality in our lives. Learn how to: embrace the chaos and pain in your life; keep your peace from being stolen; follow a timeless cycle that Jesus taught over 2,000 years ago which is guaranteed to lead to greater peace in your life; plan appropriately to help eliminate anxiety; be joyful always which will lead to greater peace; enjoy spending time with God; focus on the right things which will lead to peace. Imagine yourself living each day with much greater peace… no matter what is happening around you. It is what God desires for you. And it can be done!
Find it on Amazon.
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Congrats to Mark, Byron, Sean, Rebecca, and Jim! We’re thrilled to support you!
Image credit: DariusZSankowski

Elizabeth Johnson loves the color yellow, strong {black} coffee, editing, and exploring the mountains in rural Wyoming and Utah, where she and her husband serve as church planters. In her free time, she enjoys learning new things, hand-lettering and acrylic painting, and gaming with her husband.