I could say it 50 or 100 times a week, and it would always be true: without Team Buzz Builder, our book launches would not be as successful. As the Book Launch Director, knowing there are “go to” individuals who will host guest posts, accept books to review, and use their social media accounts to promote our authors gives me peace going into each and every launch.
I’ve written about several of them in the past, and each time I ask the questions, I’m always interested to see what kind of responses I’ll receive. Most of them list things like “community” and “meaningful interactions” as reasons they like being a part of our team. Getting to be a part of some of those interactions, hearing that kind of feedback always makes me grateful.
Today we’re focusing on a man who you might know better as the “Dad of Divas”, the man who reviews everything from Wind In Your Sails to Brazilian hats!
Meet Christopher Lewis!
I love the opportunity to interact with brands and other bloggers in a meaningful way and Team Buzz Builder offers this!
A close-nit community that supports each other and offers some great opportunities to work with brands too.
For both the community learning and brand opportunities that it offers!
I work full time as a college administrator. I have two daughters ages 10.5 and 7.5, I live a very busy life. I write at dadofdivas.com and dadspotlight.com. I podcast for the Dad Spotlight Podcast. I am an elected school board member and President of my Neighborhood Association.
Want to learn more about Christopher? There are lots of ways to connect with him online, and I suggest using them all!
Find him on Twitter (@dadofdivas, @dadspotlight, and @drclewis), Instagram, Facebook (Dad of Divas and Dad Spotlight), Pinterest, YouTube, and tumblr.
Are you a Team Buzz Builder Member who would like to be featured in one of our Friday posts? Email me for more details!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.