One of the things that I love about our team of Buzz Builders is the diversity of backgrounds, jobs, and even physical locations. Whether they are in Kenya, Canada, England, Australia, or the United States, each one brings a fresh perspective and excitement to our book launches.

Prior to joining Weaving Influence, I spent time in Tanzania and my husband and I lived in several southern African countries. Sadly (for us), we never made it as far north as Kenya, but if we’re ever there in the future I will now have one more person to look up!

Meet Kimunya Mugo!

I really appreciate you taking the time to answer a few questions for me, Kimunya! First one: Why do you like being a part of TBB?

I absolutely love the sense of community. This is very important for me as an upcoming entrepreneur, leadership coach, blogger and author. Interacting with established authors and bloggers has been a life-saver that TBB has extended to me.  

What benefit do you think you receive from being a part of Team Buzz Builder?

First, and most important, is that TBB has offered me with a platform to serve. I love that! Second, I have been able to make super-amazing connections. I still remember connecting with Ted Coine and Mark Babbit. It felt like we had known each other for life. That connection has grown to engagement on other platforms. The third benefit is that my knowledge-base has certainly expanded. Not only do I get to serve, the books I have reviewed have now become part of my arsenal of “go-to” references.

So, if someone asked you why they should join, what would you tell them?

Don’t even think twice about joining TBB. It is a caring, engaging and value-laden community. It isn’t just about business. It is your opportunity to make meaningful connections and learning for life.

Let’s get personal… tell me about your work/family/life/hobbies!
I can write a thesis on this 🙂 I have the most wonderful best friend in Harriette my wife. We have three children, who we treasure and love to bits. They are my top priority in life. In my free time, I write a blog ( and coach others on leadership. I am just about to launch my first online course, “Leadership Safari”. I am also an author (and currently working on my second book), communications specialist and parenting coach. My hobbies include writing, athletics, basketball, guitar, and traveling.

Want to learn more about Kimunya? There are lots of ways to connect with him online, and I suggest using them all!

If you’re on Facebook, Kimunya extends this invitation: “I engage with your comments and mentions on Facebook. LIKE my Page (Lead By Choice) and my Facebook Profile, and let’s rock!”

If Twitter is more of your thing, here’s what he has to say: “I really like the freshness of Twitter! Follow me @KimunyaMugo then send me @mention or reply.”

You can also find him on LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Are you a Team Buzz Builder Member who would like to be featured in one of our Friday posts? Email me for more details!