I didn’t expect the tears.
After all, I chose this.
I wanted it.
I have been edging toward it for months, trying it on, considering the possibilities of a big change.
Comforting the words of a trusted friend, when I asked her if she ever cries over business “Oh, I’ve cried a river about business. An ocean maybe.”
As have I.
Most memorable: the afternoon my supervisor called to let me know that I had not been chosen for a promotion to a supervisory role.
And, also memorable, and more recent: the morning I discovered that my second semester of teaching as an adjunct leadership faculty member had been cancelled due to insufficient registrations.
In each instance, I cried tears of sadness at the loss of those dreams and expectations.
Rivers of them, oceans maybe.
This time, though, my decision involved a choice to move toward my dreams, not away from them — in an honest and courageous this-is-what-I-want moment.
A risky moment, certainly, away from the secure and comfortable to the unknown.
And so my tears, freely flowing and unbidden.
Because with this choice, other dreams and expectations are dying, also. This choice brings inevitable changes to relationships, and I mourn those changes.
And so I will welcome the tears and let them wash over me.
May I let the tides roll in, this ocean of emotion.
These tears: evidence of the importance of my choices, the gravity of these decisions, the depth of the respect and regard I hold for the colleagues I am leaving.
Effective June 1, 2012, I will be full time, all-in with Weaving Influence, LLC. We work with authors and thought leaders to grow their online influence and leverage social media to launch books.
Tell me something! Have you cried about business? What important choices are you making to move toward your dreams?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
“The Way It Is”
There’s a thread you follow.
It goes among things that change.
But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt or die;
and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.
—William Stafford
Becky we each have to choose the threads of our life.
This is your dream. This is your time.
Now go out and shine.
I love you.
Lead From Within
Becky I have a feeling no matter what you would decide to do in your life your success is guaranteed. Congrats on your decision! Continued success to you.
Becky,Congratulations and wishing you all the very best for a successful transition!
Beautiful expression of your experience (one I can wholeheartedly relate to!) as well as a wonderful tribute to Kevin and his contribution to you.
You continue to show such great courage in choosing your path and owning your choices. It is a myth that when we move towards what we want it is a purely joyous experience. In fact it is often bittersweet as you have described. Perhaps that is why more people choose to stay where they are rather than make the choice to move toward what they really want.
it may be hard, but it is always worth it!
Your tears are a sign of how much you care.
Your ability to shed them is a sign of how open you are to experience all that life brings.
Your willingness to share them with us is a sign of how you are weaving an integrated life.
L’chi lach.. you are a blessing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8WrShnKTWY
Well said Jesse!
There is always a kind of dying (loss and/or grief ) before a new beginning, isn’t there? Beautifully articulated, Becky. Tears are a healthy part of processing it all. Congratulations on your new endeavor and I look forward to following you there. It may be that we can work together as Matt is an author… we shall see what the future holds! God bless you in all your goodbyes and hellos!
We have only just begun to get to know each other, but by reading your story I know this: You are a strong, brave and talented woman. God has His hand on you and a plan for you to devolop the talents He has given you. He would not put these dreams in your heart if you were not capable of fulfilling them. You have made a momentous decision to follow your bliss. You were made to do this.
Be thankful for those tears. My momma always told me that crying makes a woman stronger.;).
Congratulations and Good Luck Becky!! You’ve been a wonderful help to me. I know you’re going to go on to gain great and “remarkable” successes.
Congratulations Becky! You are truly an inspiration.
Wow you said it so well! my prayers are with you to move forward with confidence you are an inspiration!
Becky! If anyone can do it – YOU WILL! Owning a business has been one of the most rewarding and at times frustrating things I have ever done. You will rock it! There will be more lessons and more tears and you will overcome.
Rock on, Becky! And when I write my book, I know who will passionately advocate for my success. Coming soon!
Becky – Thanks for all of your help in so many ways. You will be missed. Good luck as you build your own business. You are Remarkable!
So, so, so happy for you! What amazing news. All that dreaming and working hard is taking you on quite an exciting journey.
A beautiful post from a beautiful heart.
There is no better feeling than knowing from within that you are on the right path without.
Enjoy the journey, my friend…
Congratulations on your decision, Becky, though obviously difficult considering Kevin and Guy are terrific. I will never forget our meeting at the Rosemont Hyatt.
I’ve not shed tears over business, though I’ve come close a few times – and I agree, it’s more about the loss than anything else…the loss of a team dynamic that was really effective and invigorating.