One of the most significant aspects of leading a virtual subcontractor team is the tremendous choice each person has in participating in our work.
Each person has chosen to be a part of our team, and chooses in what ways they will participate in the work we do in the world.
I recently sent an email to my team with the subject line “Choose.” I was astounded by the response and grateful for the insights my team shared about what they are choosing.
Here is the email:
We can each choose how, when, and where we work. We choose what energy or passion to bring to our work. We choose which projects we tackle first and what level of urgency we give to projects and tasks.
My greatest hope as it relates to your work with Weaving Influence is that you will choose to bring the best of what you have, in each moment, to your work: your focus, intensity, desire, and talent. If you choose to do that, we will be the best company possible and consistently satisfy our clients.
I also hope you will choose to put boundaries around your work so that when you are off, your best focus and attention is on other areas of your life.
I hope you will choose to keep learning and growing, every day.
I hope you will choose to celebrate wins and let frustrations slide away with each new day.
I hope you will choose to be a help and encouragement to others on the team.
I hope you will choose to ask for help when you need it.
Hit reply and let me know what you are choosing today!
You can choose!
Here are some responses:
I choose to make a difference each day by treating Weaving Influence as if it were my own company, pouring myself into it so that our clients recognize the value we bring to their ideas.
I choose to invest the best focus, energy and attention to Weaving Influence when I am working, and to give that same focus, energy and attention to the other areas of my life when I am not, and to seek balance.
I am choosing to put family first today, and realize that I cannot do everything all the time. I am also choosing to embrace the flexibility of this job as I try to do a little of both today.
I choose to keep progressing as a father, a husband, a partner, a co-worker and a human. I choose to learn from my failures and shortcomings and turn them into my strengths. I choose to live by this quote by Einstein, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Let’s go ride a bike!
I am choosing to be intentional. Whether I am working, parenting, doing housework or eating.
Today as everyday, I choose to give life in general my all. When I am working, I am WORKING only. I choose to be available and supportive to my co-workers. I choose continue to think about the company as a whole because it is our baby together.
I choose to slow down and pay attention to the needs of those around me today- close-by and virtually- instead of buzzing through my day.
I am choosing to think cheerful thoughts today. I am choosing to do what I can as I’m able, and choosing to NOT stress about the rest!
I choose to focus on the positive today and ignore the fears that keep trying to bubble up.
I’m choosing to keep a positive attitude!
I’m choosing to believe in the power of creativity to bring our clients’ messages to the world with nuanced understanding and fresh perspective.
I’m choosing to trust in the world’s turning and not overwhelm myself trying to think 10 steps ahead. Everything will work out. The present is enough, the present is just as it should be. And the future will turn out the same.
I am choosing to be fully present to the people that matter most, putting away the distractions like my phone, my books, my ipad – the things that lure me in and away from human interaction. I am choosing to find ways to work less and take much better care of my body and soul. I am choosing to give the best of what I have to offer to the people I serve.
I choose to be intentional about my interactions with every individual I encounter… to be present in that moment with them… to commit to giving my very best in both professional and personal settings… whether in person, over the phone, via email, etc.
I choose to wake up today (and everyday) and be the best team member I can be, as well as the best service I can be for our clients. I choose to do all of this because of YOU. You are what motivates me to strive to be the best I can be, what makes me realize how thankful I am for the opportunity I have to work with each and every one of you, and what pushes me to produce work that our leader, colleagues, and clients can be proud of and represent Weaving Influence with a smiling face! I choose YOU.
These choices are powerful. I am inspired by and grateful for the people who choose to work with me.
Tell me something! What do you choose?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
I love these responses. It happens that it’s an easy question for me because I have years of practice choosing and knowing what works for me.
I choose to find something positive about every day. I choose to have an attitude of gratitude. I choose to at least once each day encourage someone. I choose to focus on what I have not on what I have lost. I choose to capitalize on what I can do, not on what I cannot. I choose to always be learning. I choose to share what I learn with others so they can learn too. I choose be thankful. I choose to love God first and love people because that’s what it takes to be successful.
Lovely! Thank you for sharing, Jane. I have been on the receiving end of your encouragement many times and I am grateful!
Great post Becky.
I choose to be a positive influence in the lives of everyone I am honored to meet so that when I am gone, every time they remember me, a little smile comes to their face and a lesson learned comes to mind. I choose to live life to its fullest so that when they find my organ donor license, they open me up and say, “Darn, he wore it all out!” I choose to share love because there is too much hate in the world.
Len, thank you for the thoughtful response. I love your desire to make a difference!