I’m headed out this morning on what I’m calling the #witour, The Weaving Influence Summer Tour, along with my three daughters and one of their best friends. We’ll cover more than 1200 miles during an estimated 20 hours of driving, over 5 days, eventually landing at my parents’ home, where we’ll relax and enjoy for nearly a week before flying home.
I’m excited about this trip for several reasons, but the most important one is people.
I get to be with my favorite girls for 10 days.
We get to meet and spend time with 10 members of my team, a few of whom I’ve never met in person.
We’ll see at least two long-term clients.
The reason I do what I do is to create opportunities for others, and this trip represents the creation of opportunities on so many levels, for the most important people in my life.
If you follow the #witour through the pictures and stories I share along the way, here’s what I hope you’ll see:
I love my team. The idea for this trip has been percolating for quite some time and the execution of the trip is long overdue. Although I’ve met Megan, who joined Weaving Influence in 2013 and started our digital publicity service, we have not seen each other during the time we’ve worked together. I’ve talked with Max, who is our community manager, on video calls many times, but we’ve never met. Of the ten team members I’m seeing this week, four will be first-time meetings. Though we collaborate closely and talk regularly, in-person connection is powerful and important.
I love our clients, and I’ll use any means to get their messages out. We have a few amazing sponsors who have provided hotel rooms and are hosting meals on our journey. Though I could and am investing in this trip myself, it’s fun to highlight and appreciate the great work our clients are doing. I’m also grateful for a chance to connect face to face on this journey with two of our clients.
Work is best when it fits into life. For several years, I’ve worked at home. My girls see what work looks like because they are often with me (or nearby) when I’m working. This tour will immerse them even more in my work world. I’m excited for them to meet more of the tremendous people who comprise our team, meet clients, and to see that work can add joy and fun to life. Work is no longer 9 -5, in a central location but can mold to fit the lives we choose. Work is in my home office; work is in my newly-leased traditional office space; work is on the road or around a restaurant table. Work is with me wherever I am, and I can choose when and how to dive in and give work my attention, as I choose time away and unplugged.
Relationships are everything. I could not do what I do without the team of people who work with me, nor could I work without the clients who hire us. My extrovert-self is fueled by connecting in person, and these moments on the tour will create connections and memories of inestimable worth. (More from me on relationships and the tour here.)
Tell me something! How do you share your life and work with your family? What fuels your joy for work?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
So in love with this idea that seems to be fueled by some great motivators. One of my clients has me working with virtual teams that I finally got to meet at a Leadership Retreat in New York. It was great to connect in person with individuals you already have a solid foundation with due to technology. Have a blast on your #witour!