It’s prom season.

Over the weekend, my niece attended her first prom. Through the magic of social media, I not only enjoyed the beautiful photos she shared, I also enjoyed her friends’ comments: the compliments, encouragement, inside jokes, and playful teasing.

For many high school seniors, prom is the highlight of the year, a rite of passage, the stuff of dreams.

Other people transition to adulthood without the memory of that one sparkling night and all the charm that surrounds it: cloth napkins, fancy clothes, shiny shoes, a trip to the salon (perhaps), fresh flowers, music, dancing.

Even more important than the physical trappings of prom is this: what it all represents: being chosen, being invited, being included, being special, being beautiful and loved.

I’m excited to participate in an event this spring that will bring the sparkling experience of prom to a group of people who might not otherwise enjoy it.

Joy Prom Florida will help adults with disabilities feel chosen, invited, included, special, beautiful, and loved. The event will celebrate each individual who attends with flowers, food, and attention.

I’m excited to be a part of it.

In the weeks leading up to the event, I’ll be sharing more about issues related to people with disabilities and their families and how you can make a difference.

I hope you’ll like the event’s Facebook page, follow our Twitter account, and check out this video on YouTube.

Tell me something! What do you remember about your first prom? What experiences have you had interacting with people with disabilities?

Will you help? I hope you’ll join me in sharing the message, the meaning, and the excitement of Joy Prom Florida.