Whatever happened to the “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer”? Crazy, yes, but lazy and hazy, not so much! With 19 book launches on the schedule this year (so far), we haven’t experienced our normal summer slow-down, and there’s always another task on the to do list that we’re trying to take care of before calling it a day.
If you do happen to find yourself with some “lazy” time on your hands this weekend, then I highly encourage you to bookmark this post and come click through some of these great links from clients, team members, and more.
- I just finished reading an advanced copy of Women & Transition: Reinventing Work and Life by Linda Rossetti, a book that we’re looking forward to launching later this fall. If you want to learn more about Linda and her work, I recommend reading her most recent post, Choice or Compromise?
- The next (quickly approaching) launch on the books is The Genius of Opposites by Jennifer Kahnweiler. This week you can find her post, Becoming Extraordinary, on the SkillSoft blog. Don’t forget to pre-order your copy today, and make plans to join the launch week fun August 17-21!
- DATE CHANGE! If you signed up for the launch of Unseen Tears by Beau Sides, please note that the dates of the launch are now August 24-28. In other news, it is now available to purchase through the CS e-store, and coming soon in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. All proceeds go to support Global Partners in Life, a non-profit working to enhance the lives of young people in China.
- Whitney Johnson’s new book, Disrupt Yourself, will be launching this October, but the buzz is already starting to build thanks to TBB folks like:
- Martina McGowan (read post)
- Dan Forbes (read post)
- Paul LaRue (read post)
- Chantal Bechervaise (read post)
- and fellow author, Bonnie Marcus (read post)
- Did you catch Becky’s post earlier this week? The Flaw of Relationship Building on Social Platforms clearly struck a chord with readers, so if you missed it, be sure to check it out this weekend.
- While we’re talking about social platforms, although they shouldn’t be your only source of relationship building, we’re certainly not against them! If you haven’t visited our Weaving Influence page on Facebook in a while, we invite you to come on back and engage with our team. We look forward to seeing you around!
TGIF and enjoy your weekend reading!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.