Over the last year, we’ve introduced you to a few of the websites that our incredible team has created for clients like Bill High, Bill Treasurer, and #BKPedia. From design and editing to creation and implementation, the Weaving Influence team offers a full range of website options to meet the needs of our clients (Interested? Contact us!), but our favorite part of the job is the big reveal to the world.
Our team loved being a part of this website redesign as it gave us an opportunity to support the meaningful work that Beau, and his organization, are doing among the orphans of China. Front and center on the redesigned site is the Global Partners in Life (GPiL) Vision & Mission:
Global Partners in Life’s vision is to enhance the lives of young people in China. Our mission is to build relationships by meeting the humanitarian and educational needs of children, youth, and young adults.
Included at the revised and updated site, you can learn more about:
- The orphanage.
- How you can get involved.
- What’s new.
- Who keeps GPiL running.
If Beau Sides’ name sounds familiar to you, you might recall our past launches of his two books, Lessons from China (2014) and Unseen Tears (2015). It’s always an honor to work with Beau – something I had the pleasure of doing as we helped shepherd Unseen Tears through the publication process – and if you’re interested in learning more about China, both books would be a great addition to your shelf.
There are children waiting to be helped, and a website waiting to be explored, so what are you waiting for? Spend some time this weekend clicking around the new GPiL website, and don’t forget to share the link with your communities!
Send a tweet to @BeauSides and let him know you enjoyed the new site!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.