You’ll forgive me if I make this Featured on Friday post a little bit personal, won’t you? Sometimes, life really does hand you lemons. It hasn’t exactly been a banner week for the Weaving Influence team, and more than once, someone from the team has asked if it’s Friday yet.
Today, it finally is Friday… and #iamthankful
We found ourselves short-staffed this week, and scrambling to come up with ways to fill in the gaps. We’ve been here before, and those of us who have been around for a while (Becky, Amy, me), were not looking forward to doing it again. But this time, it was different. We had a true team – people who pulled together, volunteered to work more hours, jumped in to get the jobs done. We were busy and hectic and stressed – yes – but not alone.
Together, we are stronger… and #iamthankful
Not only did the team – both those in the office and those working virtually – pull together, but our amazing clients put into practice the leadership and coaching principles that they preach. They encouraged, they cheered, they advised, they shared their own struggles. They gave grace when deadlines were short and acknowledged our team’s effort to keep the work flowing without a hitch. This week our clients were more than clients – they were our partners.
Encouragement comes from the most unexpected places… and #iamthankful
As we faced our challenges this week, each person on the Weaving Influence team had the opportunity to step up and show what they could offer. I don’t have room (or the brain power – if I’m honest) to acknowledge them all, so I’ll just focus on “our fearless leader” as many on the team call Becky.
You know my story – I wouldn’t be here today if Becky hadn’t risked taking a chance on a Twitter stranger. But my story is not unique in the Weaving Influence world. Becky connected with Jessica on a school field trip, and now Jessica has a skill set that allows her to give back at a local non-profit when she’s not working as Becky’s executive assistant. Amy was a recently “retired” stay-at-home mom, looking for work that fit with her unofficial job as a caretaker to three elderly relatives – Becky reached out on Facebook and three years later, Amy’s helping to lead the company. Elizabeth had health concerns that kept her from “normal” employment options, but Becky found her through our Buzz Building network and now Elizabeth is a reliable member of our virtual team.
I could go on… every person working with Weaving Influence probably has a “Becky” story… a way that Becky opened a door of opportunity for them and made a difference in their life, and the lives of their families. She is willing to work hard, make tough decisions, and handle the negative feedback that occasionally comes. She dreams big (far bigger than I do with my “safety-first” personality), and then gets to work making those dreams a reality – not only for her, but for those in her world.
Entrepreneurs like Becky open doors of opportunity every day… and #iamthankful

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.