It’s a long weekend for many of us at Weaving Influence, which means “Out of Office” auto-responses are going up and we’re dusting off our grills and gearing up for fireworks and family time. Or if you’re an introvert, like me, perhaps you’re looking forward to a quiet weekend with your books!
Whatever your plans for the weekend, I hope you’ll make time to click through some of these great book launch links and register for some of the exciting events we have coming up.
FREE Summer Education
- Monday, July 13 at 12 pm (ET), join us for Resolving the Heart of Conflict with Jim Ferrell of The Arbinger Institute – Every single day we encounter conflict. Whether you’re a participant or observer, whether it’s among family, friends, or colleagues, conflict surrounds us. While we can’t avoid conflict, we can certainly choose how we respond to it. Register Now
- Tuesday, July 21 at 12 pm (ET), an exclusive one-hour webinar with Disrupt Yourself™ author Whitney Johnson – Register Now
Book Launch News
We’ve just completed the launch of two great books, The Disciplined Leader by John Manning, and Wired for Authenticity by Henna Inam, but nothing is slowing down around here!
This month we’re gearing up for the launch of The Anatomy of Peace by The Arbinger Institute (July 13), and next month we’re planning for Unseen Tears by Beau Sides (join his team), and The Genius of Opposites by Jennifer Kahnweiler (join her team).
Just because the launches are over (or haven’t happened yet) doesn’t stop the buzz – which we love! Take a minute to click through these links for The Disciplined Leader and Wired for Authenticity, and check out the buzz that is already building for The Genius of Opposites!
- Dan Forbes hosted Henna and her post: “Why I Wrote a Book About Authenticity”
- Chantal Bechervaise shared her interview with John Manning
- Julie Winkle Giulioni, co-author of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go, hosted “Who Are You BEING as a Leader?” for Henna
- Bonnie Marcus, author of The Politics of Promotion, interviewed Jennifer Kahnweiler on Forbes
- And Jennifer shared her take on it, as well as Bonnie’s book, on her blog (we love cross-promotion!)
- Joseph Iliff shared his thoughts about The Disciplined Leader in this LinkedIn post (NOTE: that’s a great way to help promote an author!)
- Working Woman Entrepreneur hosted Henna on their podcast – Listen Now
Just In Case You Missed It
You know Becky has her own website now, right? She’s posting there on a regular basis, and I’d encourage you to add it to your list of favorite spots on the internet. Here are links to her three most recent posts, just to get you started…
- Letting Go and Showing Up
- If I Could Work My Business Like A Puzzle (Florida Edition)
- How Moms Manage Kids and Work in Summer
You Tell Me! What are YOU doing on this holiday weekend (or, if you’re not in the U.S. – what are you doing this weekend)?

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.