I am a big fan of Tim Sanders and Today We Are Rich. Have you read it? You can download the first chapter here. My favorite section of the book is the section about gratitude.
Here’s what Tim says: “Gratitude should lift my attitude, making me the giver, lover and helper all day long.” and “Gratitude is a compound word: Gracious + Attitude.”
Another favorite line is that gratitude turns our “have tos” into our “get tos.” I really love that!
I am so thankful that I get to share my thankful list with you this morning. I am thankful for:
62. Growing pains. I’ve had some growing pains in my business over the past few weeks. Depending on what date I use as the start of my business, I am about 9 months in. Some babies start to walk at 9 months, but only a few. I feel like we’re running full speed ahead. Sometimes it hurts.
63. New views. We had some new windows installed this week, including one completely new window in a wall that never had a window before. I watched while the installation crew cut a hole in my bedroom wall. The view is lovely and we’ve been enjoying the fresh air at night.
64. Amazing weather. That’s changing today, but I am thankful for the 70 and 80 degree sunny days we enjoyed this week.
65. Sweeping leaves. Yesterday, I got to sweep leaves off our decks with my girls. There were lots. We worked together.
66. Highs and lows. This week, I experienced happy tears and sad tears. I am thankful for both.
67. Impromtu team meetings. Evidence of how awesome my team is: yesterday morning, I asked if any of my team could meet me online for a quick talk. At the appointed time, we all gathered — everyone arrived within fifteen minutes of my note. I love that even as a virtual team, we stay connected.
68. Crowds of trick or treaters. Our church does an annual Trunk or Treat event. Last year, the weather was cold and rainy. This year, it was warm and beautiful. We had a fantastic turn out. I am thankful to be part of such a well run and well attended event.
Tell me something! What are you thankful for today?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.