It’s almost time to make pancakes.
My daughter had a slumber party last night, and the girls are all stretched out in front of the TV in their sleeping bags, eating Honey Nut Cheerios to quiet their growling tummies.
6 am is too early for chocolate chip pancakes, in my opinion, so I made a cup of coffee and hid away in my office.
I’ve been finishing up work this morning for the job I’m leaving. wrapping up loose ends on projects, training my replacement, and keeping commitments, all while continuing to develop this business.
Yesterday, I looked through the stack of books I borrowed from a colleague, and I’ll be shipping them back to him, but not before I jot down the titles of the books I want to buy for my library.
The first book this colleague ever sent me: 1001 Ways to Market Your Books by John Kremer.
This is the book that is top on my list to buy. I used it as reference to use while creating a social media marketing strategy for a book launch. It’s dog-eared, book-marked, and full of his notes and highlighting, his (now) familiar handwriting.
It has, sadly, sat unused on my shelf through two recent book launches, and it occurs to me that we often neglect the treasures that are so close to our grasp, not recognizing them until it is too late and time to send them away.
I don’t want to do that with my books; I don’t want to do that with my children; I don’t want to do that with my husband, or my friends, or my new team.
I want to — every day — recognize their value, enjoy them, learn from them. I don’t want to let any valuable thing collect dust on my shelf. I don’t want to take any cherished relationship for granted.
Tell me something! What treasures might you be neglecting? What can you do — today — to enjoy and cherish them?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
Hi Becky,
I think we sometimes do this with Jesus, going through our day on our own, until something happens to make us cry out in a panic. We get so busy that we forget He is with us all the time and wants to be part of our lives…every part, not just when there’s trouble. This is a great topic to think on. In our busyness, there are many things we neglect or take for granted…family, friends, the Bible.
Blessings to you,
Loved this article Becky….words of wisdom…….Learning to live in the moment, without anxiety regarding all our “have tos” and unfinished tasks……….Time has a way of slipping by…….lost opportunities to say I love you. I do love you. Mom
Great post Becky. I have the problem of not being able to do one thing with out flitting off to do another, so I ignore most everything by not giving it the attention it deserves. Must work on one thing at a time and making quality time no matter what or who it is.