Since I posted about my ideal day, I’ve enjoyed some great days, but none that exactly match my description.
In the process, I’ve thought about the key components of an ideal day.
Unpacking my earlier description, my ideal day includes:
- Exercise. I feel best when I exercise, especially when I run. If I can run at the beginning of my day, I start the day feeling strong, energetic, and focused.
- Time with family. This morning, I felt groggy when I woke at 5. So I decided to stay in bed. Because I stayed in bed, I enjoyed snuggle time with my girls when they woke up and came into my bedroom. Any ideal for day for me includes special times to connect with my daughters and my husband.
- Work. When my oldest daughter read my description, she said “Sounds good, Mom, but why is your ideal day a work day?” My choice to include work in my ideal deal is evidence of how much I enjoy my work and how central work is to my life.
- Quiet moments of reflection. I need time each day to cultivate my faith. I don’t always find it, but my ideal day would always include quiet time to read the Bible, pray, and reflect.
- Home cooking. My ideal day description included a home cooked breakfast. Though eating out is a treat, I love cooking and eating with my family.
- Time outside. When weather permits, I crave outside time. I often work on our back deck, or write while sitting in front of a tree in our front yard.
One component to any ideal day in my home would also include books. Reading aloud to my girls each day is a very important part of my day. I love finding time to read my own books, too.
This morning, after that snuggle time with my girls, I popped some muffins into the oven. While they baked, I packed school lunches and cut up fresh fruit. We gathered with my husband at the table for devotions, and, miraculously, I had time before driving the girls to school, to hop on the treadmill for a quick run.
As I got on the treadmill, I thought how well the day had begun.
And then, a few minutes later, one of my girls came downstairs whining and screaming, with a tale to tell about one of her sisters.
Panting, barely catching my breath between intervals, I gave some direction. Then the offending sister came down a few minutes later. Still out of breathing, running at top speed, patience waning, I gave some more directions.
I finished my run with a few minutes to spare; I washed my face and filled up a bottle with ice water.
Everyone calm, we drove to school together.
In every day, there are ideal moments. Pieced together, those become close-to-perfect days. And ideal days comprise an ideal life.
Tell me something! What are the key components of your ideal day, your ideal life?

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
I was excited to read this post; having an ideal day is important (and fun) to me and something I’ve encouraged and helped my clients design for years. I thought you would appreciate my funny but true story regarding ideal days.
A few years ago, I had gotten to the point I was having lots of ideal days – so I decided to “up the ante” a bit. I had to think about what would make my days even better since I was already aiming at my “ideal” day, then it came to me. I love Thai food, and used to cook it at home before our lives got so busy with teenage boys. So I decided to add a Thai food meal to my ideal day; problem is, our town is the only town in Central Illinois without a Thai food restaurant.
My solution? I literally wrote my business marketing plan around my goal to eat Thai food, targeting new business in nearby communities within an hour drive, all of which had Thai food. And guess what? I worked! Not only did my business grow, but sometimes I was eating Thai food 2-3 times a week. Now that’s an ideal week!
Business has slowed down in the past couple of years. I need to find something new to get me excited about my ideal day again and things will surely improve.
I love this story. Now you’ve really got me thinking about other ways to improve my days.
Thanks so much for stopping by to share!
I’d love to see hear how your efforts to improve your business come together!
Hi Becky,
Nice post! For me, An ideal day is the day I do things that make me closer to my goals, professional, personal, spirituel, health and family goals. It’s a balanced day when I give importance to every activity, I try to spend time with my family, I do something interesting at work, I improve my skills or my hobbies, etc …