Weaving Influence has the privilege of hosting the January 2025 Leadership Development Carnival! We’re excited to share posts from leadership experts from around the globe on the topics of communication, development, engagement, motivation, productivity, team building, and more.
Diana Peterson-More shared My 2025 New Year’s Resolutions: Eager to Hear Yours. Diana explains: “It’s that time of the year for New Year’s Resolutions. While many of mine include the standards: lose weight, exercise more, eat more healthfully, and save money, I’ve added to the list three communication tools from the book I published this year: 1) tamp down the “lizard brain” (while driving); 2) avoid “assuming facts not in evidence” (with my children): and, 3) follow the admonition of Rodney King (to whom the book is dedicated) to “just get along” (with those who hold world views in opposition to my own). What are your resolutions?” Find Diana on LinkedIn.
Eileen McDargh contributed Becoming Present To Presence – Living In A Distracted World. Eileen explains: “We are pulled and torn by so many distractions, news reports, family matters, team issues—you name it. There are private and public resources available to help employees practice mindfulness & manage stress and I’ll share them with you.” Connect with Eileen on Twitter.
Brenda Yoho submitted Taking Stock: Shifting from Problem to Solution. Brenda writes: “The challenges we face can feel overwhelming—endless problems across all areas of life that seem to magnify daily. However, amidst the chaos, there is an opportunity to shift our mindset from problem-focused to solution-focused approaches. By taking stock of where we are and developing the skills and knowledge necessary to cope effectively, we can move forward with purpose and resilience.” Connect with Brenda on LinkedIn.
Sean Glaze of Great Results Team Building shared 15 Questions Leaders Can Use to Transform Challenging Team Members into High Performers. Sean writes: “Are you struggling with challenging team members? The right questions can transform them into your most valuable assets. Every leader will face tough personalities. But instead of seeing them as obstacles, view them as opportunities to strengthen your leadership toolkit and unlock untapped potential on your team.” Find Sean on Twitter.
Dana Theus of InPower Coaching writes Ouch. I’ve Been Hiding Behind ‘Leadership’: Does calling ‘authority’ something else make it safer? Dana explains: “I have a dirty little secret to share. For someone who writes a lot about power, I have to admit to you (and myself) that my fascination with this topic hides an ugly truth I wish wasn’t true about me. The truth is that I’m very afraid of power. Power scares me. Not just being around it but having it, too. Am I the only one? Probably not. Is this one reason women have so little formal power in the world? Probably so.” Find Dana on LinkedIn.
Frank Sonnenberg shared Does It Pay to Nickel-and Dime? Frank explains: “Nickel-and-diming may seem harmless, but is it worth the cost? Small fees can boost profits, yet they erode trust and damage reputations in ways hard to repair.” Connect with Frank on Twitter.
Bill Treasurer of Giant Leap Consulting contributed Carry Yourself Like a Leader. Bill explains: “In a world often governed by fear and uncertainty, embracing an opportunity mindset is not just refreshing but transformative. This mindset shifts our focus from avoiding threats to seizing the chances for growth and development. It’s about understanding that opportunities are not just external chances that come our way, but are created and nurtured by leaders who understand their power to change lives.” Connect with Bill on LinkedIn.
Julie Winkle Giulioni shared Leadership 2025: Three Priorities You Can’t Ignore in the New Year. Julie explains: “As we enter 2025, the dynamics of leadership and organizational success continue to shift under the weight of complex global challenges and transformative trends. Today’s business landscape demands that leaders adopt bold strategies to navigate uncertainty, engage their teams meaningfully, and drive sustainable growth. Learn three interconnected priorities that stand out as essential for 2025.” Connect with Julie on LinkedIn.
Jon Verbeck provided Your Year-End Financial Checklist: Closing Strong and Planning for 2025. Jon writes: “As the year winds down, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are at a pivotal crossroads: it’s time to finish strong while setting the stage for even greater success in 2025. This is your opportunity to assess whether your financial performance hit your goals, tackle any remaining obstacles, and lay out a bold strategy for the future.” Follow Jon LinkedIn.
Ann Van Eron submitted The Birds of Worry and Care. Ann says: “That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.” – Chinese Proverb. Lately, I’ve been reflecting on this quote, especially given everything happening in the world and the constant stream of worries that come with being a leader—whether in business, community, or family. And believe me, I get it.” Connect with Ann on LinkedIn.
David Grossman of The Grossman Group provided How to Give Feedback to Motivate and Engage Employees. David shares: “When giving feedback to employees, there’s an intentional approach you can take for it to be truly effective and given in a way that fosters motivation and engagement. This comprehensive guide outlines a four-step process and delves into the benefits of using feedback as a tool for improvement rather than criticism, along with actionable tips and specific examples of how to give positive and constructive feedback in different scenarios.” Follow David on LinkedIn.
Jon Lokhorst of Lokhorst Consulting shared Coaching Is the Answer to Employee Engagement. Jon explains: “Recent Gallup research indicates that top-performing organizations maintain higher employee engagement levels through managers who support their team members with coaching. Here are three tips for becoming a master coach.” Find Jon on LinkedIn.
Michael Lee Stallard submitted Connected Leaders, Stand Strong! Michael writes: “Leading with connection isn’t the norm in many industries. We want to remind leaders why it matters and offer encouragement to help them persevere.” Connect with Michael on LinkedIn.
Karin Hurt and David Dye shared 5 Critical Insights to Empower Your Team in the New Year. They write: “What if this year, you could empower your team to not only start strong but stay strong—aligned, motivated, and clear on what success looks like every step of the way? Great teams don’t thrive by chance; they crush their goals because they know exactly where they’re going and the habits they need to get there.” Connect with Karin on LinkedIn and David on LinkedIn.
Neal Burgis of Successful Solutions contributed Retiring on Your Own Terms. Neal explains: “Retirement doesn’t have to be a passive chapter in your life. It can be productive depending on how you live it. Best Wishes to all who take the plunge and do what you want to do when you Retire on your Own Terms.” Follow Neal on Twitter.
Mary Ila Ward of Horizon Point Consulting shared 2024 Book of the Year. Mary writes: “Productivity has always been one of our five operating values at Horizon Point. We tie it intimately to our value of passion, which looks something like this: Get stuff done. Get stuff done that is important and that we care about.” Find Mary on LinkedIn.
Team Building
Priscilla Archangel submitted Trusting The New Leader. Priscilla writes: “Whether public or private, government or non-profit, each organization survives and thrives based on the level of trust that stakeholders have in their leadership team. And the board, owners, or others with oversight, are ultimately responsible for ensuring they’ve identified the right talent to place into those roles. Their selected candidate must quickly build trust, which is the foundation of every leadership appointment.” Connect with Priscilla on LinkedIn.
Robyn McLeod contributed The Keys to Thriving Hybrid Teams: Trust and Transparency. Robyn writes: “The keys to thriving hybrid teams: Trust and transparency. When team members trust each other, they are more likely to work together effectively and support each other. As a leader, you have the responsibility to model and enable trust – and that’s even more important in our hybrid world of work.” Connect with Robyn on Twitter.
Marcella Bremer contributed Ready for 2025? Marcella considers: “Are you ready for 2025? We’ve seen a lot of disruption – and not just ecological changes, also in political, economical, social, and technological systems. Here’s an overview of my articles about futures, foresight and how to prepare your organization for change.” Follow Marcella on LinkedIn.
S. Chris Edmonds shared Mitigate Workplace Loneliness with a Vibrant Culture. Chris explains: “People across the globe are suffering from an epidemic of isolation and loneliness. Not all workplaces create loneliness, isolation and disrespect. Some sustain work cultures that are purposeful, positive and productive — and employees love working for those companies.” Find Chris on LinkedIn.
Naomi Caietti submitted AI Literacy in Action: Kicking Off Your Roadmap to Business Success in 2025! Naomi writes: “In today’s tech-driven world, AI literacy isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a must-have skill set for leaders looking to navigate an evolving business landscape. From CEOs and product managers to small business owners, understanding and leveraging AI is rapidly becoming the cornerstone of innovation, efficiency, and success. To help you and your organization stay ahead, I’m excited to launch the AI Literacy Series—a five-part journey into the transformative potential of AI.” Connect with Naomi on LinkedIn.
Thank you to everyone who submitted articles for this month’s carnival! If you would like to be added to the distribution list for submission calls, please fill out this form and we’ll be happy to add you to the list.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.