It is not in pounds and ounces, miles or inches.
We may mark milestones.
We gauge the temperature of our organizations.
We consider our pace and timing.
We hope we can go the distance.
In a thousand ways every day, we monitor our own performance and the success of our organizations.
What do you use to measure your leadership results?
You could measure results in dollars and cents. How much money do you make each year? Or, how much profit does your organization net? What is your company’s stock worth compared to last year?
You could measure results by geographic presence. Where does your company do business? How many locations does your organization have? Is your company local, state-wide, nationwide, or global?
You could measure results by the number of people who are influenced by you or by your organization. How many people do you lead? If you are a CEO: how many people work for your organization? Or, how many customers does your organization serve? If you are a college professor: How many students are enrolled in your classes? If you are a pastor: How many people attend your church? If you are a social media marketer: How many followers do you have on Twitter? Friends on Facebook? Blog readers or subscribers?
Perhaps you measure your leadership results by what you do – what objectives you achieve – either personally or within your organization.
Or, you may redefine results so that success is more about who you are than about what you do. By doing so, you measure leadership results by how closely your life (or your organization’s life) embodies your personal (or organization’s) values or mission. If your life displays the desired values, you are achieving the desired results.
Join the conversation!
How do you measure your results as a leader?
What other measures might a leader use to measure results?
This was originally posted at Mountain State University LeaderTalk and is reposted with permission.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
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