This month, we diverged a bit from our theme to begin a series about online learning resources, which we will continue in the weeks to come. Eventually, we will compile the posts from this new series into a white paper, which we hope will be a valuable resource to many. Thank you to several readers who offered additional ideas for sources of learning online.
To wrap up last month’s theme (yes, it’s October – how did that happen?) here are a few great posts on our month’s topic. Be sure to stop back tomorrow, because we will feature one additional post on September’s theme, a wonderful guest post submission from Timothy Morris. Also, for more great reading on leadership this weekend, check out the Leadership Development Carnival on Sunday, hosted this month by Mary Jo Asmus.
First, this post from Wally Bock that asks the questions “Should leaders be humble or flamboyant? Or should they just make a difference?” I love the conclusions he draws. Be sure to read this one as well, just published this week.
Miki Saxon offers some ideas about how to win in her post “Ducks in a Row: How to Guarantee a Winning Team.”
Bret Simmons, posting at the LeaderLab blog, asserts that empowered leaders enable empowered employees, creating solutions to workplace issues.
Leaders need to be consistent to get results. You’ll be inspired to be consistent when you read this post from Art Petty.
Dan Rockwell says leaders can multiply results by delegating. Read more here.
The last post comes from Mike Myatt, who challenges leaders to focus on performance.
Would you like to be featured here? Come back Monday to read about October’s theme. Each month, I ask for submissions to this Round-Up. Posts can be new or from your archives.

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.