We can add value to others by sharing what we know.

Sometimes, though, we may want to hoard our special insights, ideas, and knowledge. We may feel that somehow our knowledge will be diminished if we give it away.

But knowledge can’t be used up.

I can tell you everything I know about a certain topic. When I’m done, we’ll both know it.

When we share what we know, we create new possibilities:

  • For ourselves. When you share what you know, your confidence in your knowledge grows. The process of teaching information or sharing it with someone else reinforces your learning and expands it.
  • For others. The knowledge you share with others is a gift they can use, develop, and share.
  • For countless people we may never meet. When you choose to develop others by sharing what you know, you can encourage them to do the same. Through the passing of knowledge, you may inspire and influence many others.

In order to share what you know, you need to first create an inventory of your knowledge base and skills so that you know what you have to offer to others. Once you know what you know, you can start to give that knowledge away to others, helping them to learn and develop.

Take a moment to think about it. What are the five things you know the most about? The things we know best are the easiest ones to pass on to others. Teaching them to others feels natural and requires little advance preparation.

You can share what you know in a formal way, as a teacher, trainer, mentor, or coach; or you can share what you know informally,  along the way, as you go, as a matter of course.

Tell me something! What are some of the things you know best? How do you share them with others?

I am at a conference in Chicago this week, learning from a lot of smart people and enjoying connections, old and new.

I planned to repost from the LeaderTalk archives yesterday but a full day and a few technical glitches prevented me from posting.

So, here I am, a day off schedule with a mostly new post. It contains a few sentences, used with permission, from a post I wrote for  Mountain State University LeaderTalk. You can read the original post here.