Media Relations

Our public relations team will work with you to develop a comprehensive strategy to help you land media placements and boost awareness for your book and message. Our clients have been featured in many high-profile outlets including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, and many more. Our features have resulted in speaking engagements, work opportunities, and high-level networking and exposure for our clients.

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Our team will develop a strategy including identifying key messaging, media contacts, and target audiences. That strategy will inform the media relations work which will include:
Crafting compelling pitches for potential placement in strategically identified media/outlets such as:

  • High-profile business and leadership podcast and radio hosts and producers
  • Reporters, editors, and producers at business, leadership, and news outlets
  • Key business and leadership bloggers
  • High-priority print and TV outlets
Connecting with media to suggest story angles, schedule interviews, coordinate articles and monitor coverage.

Developing, pitching, and following up for a wire press release announcing your book. We will use it in our individual outreach to the media. In addition, this is an important element in adding credibility to and marking history for your brand.

Monitoring media venues daily in which members of the media are looking for sources for their stories. We will reach out to you when there is an appropriate opportunity and pitch the press on your behalf if you are interested and able to respond. 


Our team will develop a strategy including identifying key messaging and target audiences, strategically identified podcasts and a compelling pitch. The strategy will inform the media relations work which will include:
We will connect with podcasters to suggest story angles, coordinate the scheduling of interviews, and provide talking points and interview questions as appropriate.
We will create a press kit for use in marketing your message and as a source of information, questions, and talking points for podcast hosts.
We will provide links to published episodes as soon as possible and will share your podcast appearances with our audiences via social media.


We will research relevant speaking opportunities and pitch as appropriate.
We will develop a speaker one-sheet to be used on your website and in our pitching.

Are you ready to expand your reach?

Start landing media placements today!

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What our clients say

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