by Becky Robinson | Feb 3, 2010 | Leadership
If you are passionate about the work you do, you need to build into others and help them develop their abilities. It’s the only way to ensure that what you’ve started continues. A few years ago, I started a homeschool co-op. The co-op has continued, in...
by Becky Robinson | Sep 9, 2009 | Leadership
Having a strong sense of purpose is necessary for any leader. Before a leader can lead an organization with purpose, she needs to know and articulate her personal sense of purpose. A leader who is able to articulate and identify her mission in life is taking a most...
by Becky Robinson | Jul 13, 2009 | Leadership
Tony Morgan, the author of Killing Cockroaches and Other Scatter Musings On Leadership, has a useful paradigm for understanding the necessary shift in leadership styles as organizations change and grow. His ideas are outlined here. Although Morgan focuses largely on...
by Becky Robinson | May 8, 2009 | Leadership
My friend Lisa is the head of a small corporation in a position valued in the 6 figures. She is also a stay at home mom. has a new way to figure out the value of a mom’s work. Their annual survey details the wages an employer would have to pay to...