What Do You Want to Be Known For?

What Do You Want to Be Known For?

What do you want to be known for? Have you ever wanted to be famous? Maybe not paparazzi famous, but have you ever dreamed of being remembered centuries after your death for your leadership, sacrifice, and service? Most of us will never be worldwide, history book...
Valuing and Engaging the Whole Person

Valuing and Engaging the Whole Person

Before kids, I loved naps. In the years since my daughters were born, daytime rest has all but disappeared from my life. Because of that, I have fond memories of great naps from days gone by. Here’s one: when I was in college, a close friend and mentor cancelled...
Do you “FlyLady”?

Do you “FlyLady”?

In my quest to organize my life and home more effectively, I have tried a lot of different systems — some more successfully than others. One of my favorites is FlyLady. FlyLady breaks home maintenance into a system of “baby steps” and daily routines; she...
Hope for a New Year

Hope for a New Year

Wednesday night, my husband and I hired a babysitter and went to dinner with friends at a neighborhood hot spot. We only do this a few times each year. This time, we went to see our friend Clare, a singer/songwriter, who was performing. Clare sang an original song...