A Glimpse of Greatness

A Glimpse of Greatness

The alarm sounded, shrill and loud. Bleary-eyed, I pulled on my cut-off shorts, grabbed my car keys and my phone, and woke up my three little girls. “Girls, come on. We have to get up.” Carrying the smallest, I led the others into the hallway and out of...
Decisions and Justice

Decisions and Justice

I am nearing the end of my first semester teaching in Mountain State University’s Bachelor of Science Organizational Leadership program. I have loved the opportunity to interact and learn with a fantastic group of students in a vital virtual environment. In our...
Factors in Decision Making

Factors in Decision Making

If you are a leader in your organization, you make many decisions each day. Most: routine. Others: carefully considered. What factors do you consider in making weighty decisions? Is your top concern budget and the bottom line? Do you think about how your decision will...
Catch It

Catch It

No quarantine will stop it, and there’s no vaccine to prevent it. Why would you want to? No remedy, no cure. Your doctor won’t write a prescription because there’s no treatment for this condition. Even if you could stop it, you wouldn’t want...
Fatherhood and Conversations

Fatherhood and Conversations

Wally Bock says that being a father, like being a boss, is all about conversations. In his own life as both a leader and a father, he has seen the value and impact of communicating well with others. Conversations with his children formed the foundation of his...