Connecting Purpose to Your Work

Connecting Purpose to Your Work

There are countless studies that connect happiness at work with increased productivity. Consequently, there are companies offering free snacks and enticing trips as a way to boost happiness on the job—but is that the path to happiness and productivity? There’s growing...
What Are Your Personal Core Values?

What Are Your Personal Core Values?

Core values are what determine our attitude and actions, inspire us to reach for unique goals, and motivate us to live a certain way. They dictate how we spend our time and money, how we interact with others, and how we approach challenging circumstances. It’s...
Why Core Values Matter for Everyone

Why Core Values Matter for Everyone

We hear a lot about core values, but have you ever stopped to consider why they actually matter for any given context? Core values are not just a list of words or series of phrases that we consider worthwhile: they are the very foundation of how we choose to live our...