Google+ is new and growing very quickly. I have enjoyed being an early adopter and learning from others as we figure out ways to engage and connect on this new platform.
But many of the people I have connected with on Twitter and Facebook are not active on G+ yet. Though many of my core connections have Google+ profiles, not many are posting or interacting there regularly. I have noticed a tentative-ness and a reluctance to engage fully.
In my last post, I wrote about some questions you could consider in deciding if engaging on G+ is right for you.
Here’s an experiment for any of you who are not sure yet about G+.
Set aside 12 minutes a day for the next 5 days to try it out. (If you are still waiting for an invitation, email me, and I’ll send you one.)
On day one: Set up your profile and find ten people to add to your circles. I would recommend forming circles based on the interests you share with the friends you’re adding.
On day two: Look to see who your first ten connections are following; add ten more friends to circles. Post something and scan the posts in your stream.
On day three: Follow at least ten more people; scan your stream; interact and engage.Post something.
On day four: Follow at least ten more people; scan your stream; post, interact, and engage.
On day five: Follow at least ten more people; scan your stream; post, interact, and engage.
After five days of interacting on G+, spend 12 minutes reflecting on your experience. Did you enjoy G+? What benefits do you see to using it? Are you willing to give up time on another platform to engage on G+ on a regular basis? If you’re not sure, consider investing 12 minutes a day for another 5 day period. Then ask yourself the same questions.
If you decide to join G+, I’d be honored if you added me to your circles.
I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.
Thank you, Becky! This is the most practical suggestion I have seen since Google+ started up. I will share your ideas with friends who are asking me how to get started. Plus your method of choosing circles makes much more sense than the original “friends, family, acquaintances…etc.”