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After working on the successful launch of Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go last September, I was introduced to today’s featured client, and began work on the initial launch of her first book. Over the last ten months, I have grown to know her more as a friend, and it’s always a delight to read her posts and see how her life has changed since the book launch. It is an absolute honor to work with her, and I’m very excited to see what’s coming next!
Linda is a engineer, wife, mom, new grandmother, ordained minister, mentor, community organizer, and program developer. Whew! Just reading her bio makes me tired! She wrote THRIVE! as an interactive journal, to be used as a tool to help people fully discover and embrace their God-given uniqueness. In addition to being an author, Linda writes a weekly blog post, is the Executive Director for a one-of-a-kind, faith-based community outreach ministry – Peacemaker Family Center, and is quite involved mentoring children of inmates. Linda is already deep into the process of writing her second book, which I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about as we get closer to the launch.
The Lead Change Group – Meet Instigator Linda Freeman
THRIVE! Webinar – Listen Now
New post on her blog each Thursday – Tenaciously Pink
Visit Linda’s website, pick up a copy of THRIVE! on Amazon, follow her on Twitter and Pinterest, and connect on Facebook and LinkedIn.
In addition to working on her second book, spending time with her family – especially her new grandson, and mentoring young women, Linda is preparing to visit Cambodia on a mission to help survivors of sex trafficking. This is her twenty-eighth mission trip, and if you’re curious about why she feels compelled to leave the comforts of home to help others, then I would encourage you to read this blog post.
Share Your Thoughts: How do you THRIVE! in the midst of a busy life? How are you embracing your uniqueness?

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.