by Becky Robinson | Mar 20, 2012 | Inspiration
Since I posted about my ideal day, I’ve enjoyed some great days, but none that exactly match my description. In the process, I’ve thought about the key components of an ideal day. Unpacking my earlier description, my ideal day includes: Exercise. I feel...
by Becky Robinson | Mar 4, 2012 | Inspiration
The day begins with me slipping out of bed, pulling on a sweatshirt over my pajamas, and heading downstairs to my favorite chair. I grab my laptop and a fuzzy blanket and sit in the dark. The house is quiet and it’s so dark that I can’t see anything...
by Becky Robinson | Mar 3, 2012 | Influence Building
On the top of one of the piles in my office is a new book from my friend Chris Edmonds, #POSITIVITY at WORK TWEET. Chris and his co-author, Lisa Zigarmi, are launching their book this week, and though Chris and Lisa are not formally clients of Weaving Influence, I am...
by Becky Robinson | Mar 1, 2012 | Influence Building
One by one, our daughters stepped up to the webcam, five girls in all: my three and her two. My home office isn’t huge and with all the girls joining us for part of the Skype call, it could have felt crowded, but it didn’t. I felt my world expanding in the...
by Becky Robinson | Feb 23, 2012 | Social Media
At our house, we’re pretty strict about “bad words.” Stupid is a on the list for example. So is hate. If one of the girls says a bad word, her sisters are quick to tattle. “Mom, she said a bad word!” Sometimes when I mention the word...