Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About

Recently I stumbled on a Fast Company article written by Paul Jarvis entitled, More Doing, Less Promoting. Jarvis complained of, “drowning in self-promotion on social media.” It’s something we all feel from time to time. And while I’m not ready to completely ditch...
How My Blog Spent Its Summer Vacation

How My Blog Spent Its Summer Vacation

You’ve booked your tickets, picked all the right restaurants, and packed your bags. You’ve taken the time off from work, set up your “out of office” email reply, and maybe even *shudder* removed the Twitter app from your smart phone. But the...
Earning the Right to be Heard

Earning the Right to be Heard

Last summer I attended my first blogging conference. (I wore a sock bun and everything!) It was a day packed with useful information, helpful tips and plenty of networking. Though I learned a lot, one idea in particular stuck with me. Scott Kleinberg, of the Chicago...
More Eyes Means More Engagement

More Eyes Means More Engagement

A lot has changed in the world of Facebook over the last two years. Shoot, a lot has changed in the world of Facebook over the last two months! It seems every time you log on something has been tweaked, twitched, or swapped out. Between the Edgerank roll out and the...
Keeping Social in Social Media

Keeping Social in Social Media

Church socials were a big part of my life growing up in the rural South.  And, church socials had rules.  Frankly, all socials back then, whether put on by the church, quail hunting club or ladies auxiliary had similar norms. You were expected to give, not just come...