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Featured on Friday – Guest Post: Imperfectly, Perfectly Me!

Featured on Friday – Guest Post: Imperfectly, Perfectly Me!

We're celebrating with Bethany Connor as she launches her new book, Cherished. To cap off her week of book launch celebrations, we're honored to have her guest posting for Featured on Friday. Join us in buzzing about her big week - read the post, then send a tweet....

Best Book Launch Tips: Gather a Library of Content

Best Book Launch Tips: Gather a Library of Content

Chances are, if you've written and published a (business) book, you're an experienced content creator. Over the years, you've written articles or blog posts, curriculum, newsletters, training materials, assessments, keynote speeches, or workbooks. Or perhaps you've...

A Leadership Lesson from the Jumbo-tron at Miller Park

A Leadership Lesson from the Jumbo-tron at Miller Park

Have you ever noticed what happens when people appear on the jumbo-tron in a sports arena? Suddenly, in that moment of recognition, they become more: they smile bigger; their faces light up; they make silly faces or dance. When a spotlight shines on people, they...

Avoiding Legal Pitfalls on Social Media

Avoiding Legal Pitfalls on Social Media

With all the rage about social media these days, it’s easy to get hyped up about it. After all, if you have an email account, in a few simple clicks you can create a user name and password to just about any online platform and, before you know it, you’re broadcasting...

Featured on Friday: Meet Our Buzz Builders – Edition 1

Featured on Friday: Meet Our Buzz Builders – Edition 1

Success never happens in a vacuum, and we have found tremendous help in the form of our Team Buzz Builder community of bloggers and leadership experts. These faithful folks are some of the first to sign up for all of our book launch promotions, provide book reviews,...

Are You Happy Working at Home?

Are You Happy Working at Home?

My home office is a delight to me. When I walk through the door and sit down at my desk, I feel a sense of relief. I am doing work I love, in a place I love, with and for clients (and a team) I love. As the leader of a virtual team, comprised of contractors as young...

How to Accept and Reject Guest Bloggers

How to Accept and Reject Guest Bloggers

Opening your blog up to guest bloggers can be a sensitive thing. You’re exposing your precious readers to someone who, besides the technological universe, is a stranger to you. How can you be sure this person will care for your pages and your readers as much as you?...

Featured on Friday: Team Member Amy Driehorst

Featured on Friday: Team Member Amy Driehorst

Curious about the Featured on Friday posts? Learn more. This week, it's time to meet another member of the Weaving Influence team. She's reliable, funny, faithful, and refreshingly honest. After almost a year of getting to know her through our online work, I finally...

Make it a Habit

Make it a Habit

I set my alarm for all-kinds-of-early today so I could try again at one habit I can't seem to stick with consistently: running. If you've read this blog for long, you know that I am an on-again-off-again runner. I do well for weeks (even months), and then I don't. One...

Featured on Friday: Favorite Finds – Edition 2

Featured on Friday: Favorite Finds – Edition 2

The internet is chock-full of information, and it's time for another round up of some of the best links and tips that we have found online. Being a team of social media consultants, we're always on the lookout for ways to get more out of our time online, and we think...