We have the opportunity to get to know a lot of amazing leaders, coaches, and authors through our work at Weaving Influence. Since I started with Becky in 2012, I’ve learned a lot – not just about the business, but about myself. No matter what the project or who we are serving, I have walked away with some new piece of knowledge to use again in the future.
My role with Weaving Influence has shifted many times over the last 27 months, but has most recently landed me in more of an oversight and training position. At times I feel like I’m just trying to stay afloat, which is usually when I recall some piece of wisdom from a client’s book. Though I will never have “CEO” after my name (I know my own limitations), I found that reading through Success in the C-Suite provided a number of encouraging ideas, which is one of the many reasons why I am so thrilled to introduce today’s focus of Featured on Friday.
Meet Bill Bliss
Bill is an executive coach who founded Bliss & Associates Inc. in 1996. He and his firm coach business owners and leaders to become BETTER leaders with greater influence and impact. He has worked with CEOs, presidents, vice presidents, and Directors at a variety of companies, and recently completed the e-book that I mentioned earlier, Success in the C-Suite, in which he pulls from his years of experience and provides steps to take to promote positive leadership change.
Bill is also a founding partner of the John Maxwell Team, and a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Trainer, and Speaker. In 2004 he wrote Your Journey to Success: 10 Steps to a Success Transition, and in 2009 he published Leadership Lessons from THE BOOK (available on Amazon).
Find Bill Online
First thing you’ll want to do is connect with Bill on LinkedIn and Twitter. Then bookmark his blog, look around his website, and learn more about his newest e-book.
A Special Offer
As you will have caught by now, Bill has a new e-book out (Success in the C-Suite), but he’s offering a condensed whitepaper version of his book for free to anyone who is interested. All you have to do is click HERE and then share your name and email address to receive the free download. Having read both the book and the whitepaper, I can assure you that you will walk away encouraged and excited to move forward on your leadership journey.
You Tell Me! What’s the most important leadership lesson you have learned? What is one piece of leadership advice you think others could benefit from knowing?

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.