I’ve got a question for you – what was the last great leadership quote you heard? How did it impact your life or work? Would you like to share it in the comments?
Bob Tiede is known for asking questions, drawing people out, and helping to spread great leadership wisdom in the world on his blog, Leading With Questions. And now he’s doing even more!
This week we’re celebrating the launch of his FREE ebook, Great Leaders Ask Questions: A Fortune 100 List. This list was compiled by Bob, and highlights more than 100 questions to ask yourself, your team, your boss, your friends and family to help you connect with others more deeply and profoundly.
Looking for some thought-provoking reading for the weekend? Bob’s got you covered!
Click the image below to get started.
Connect with Bob Online
If you like what you read in Bob’s ebook, he regularly curates and shares wisdom from the world’s leaders on his blog and social media channels. Looking for someone who does more other-promotion than self-promotion? Bob’s your man! Check out his blog and follow him on social today.
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Awesome FREE #leadershipquote ebook from @BobTiede – download yours today! http://bit.ly/FREEQLAQ {Tweet Now}

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.