Spring and fall tend to be some of our busiest book launch seasons, and we love working together as a team to create a positive and successful outcome for our clients. As the company has grown, we have extended our services to include webinars and special book launch-centered opportunities, like bulk buy and pre-order offers.
If you are a part of Team Buzz Builder (and if you’re not – why not sign up today?), you’ve been receiving emails about upcoming events and special opportunities to be involved in our spring launches. I hope you scan each email when it comes in because there’s always exciting news, notice of events, and book launch information contained within. So just in case you’ve missed it, here are a few dates to mark on your calendar, and some great opportunities to take advantage of in the coming weeks.
Get Ready to Lead Positive!
March 12 @ 1 pm (ET): Join us for a FREE webinar with special guest Dr. Kathy Cramer, author of Lead Positive and founder of Asset-Based Thinking. It should be a really interesting hour of discussion surrounding the ideas found within her newest book, as well as learning from the examples from real life leaders. Sign Up Now!
March 17 – 21: Dr. Kathy Cramer will be celebrating the official launch of her new book, Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do. Use these social media tools for sharing about the book with your online communities.
If you are interested in ordering larger numbers of Lead Positive for your team, we recommend checking out some of the special offers that Dr. Cramer is offering, including free coaching sessions and seminars.
And finally, as a free gift to you for ordering a copy of Lead Positive, Dr. Cramer would like to send you an iBook code, good for a copy of her bestseller, Change the Way You See Everything. If you pre-ordered the book or plan on ordering during the launch week, don’t forget to take advantage of this special offer. Click HERE to find out how to claim your free iBook offer code!
It’s Time for an Idea-Driven Organization!
March 31 – April 4: Get ready to build the buzz for one of the best business books of 2014 and second co-authored book by Dean Schroeder and Alan Robinson, The Idea-Driven Organization. Read a sample chapter now – Click Here.
April 2 @ 1 pm (ET): Join the FREE webinar with Dean and Alan as they discuss the ideas and research that went into The Idea-Driven Organization. Learn how to avoid some major pitfalls and collect and implement employee ideas. Sign Up Today!
If you enjoy what you read from the sample and learn on the webinar, you might be interested in bulk buy options that Dean and Alan have made available to those who would like to use The Idea-Driven Organization with their team. Based on the number of books purchased, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the expertise of Dean and/or Alan for webinars, conference calls, workshops and more. Click through to learn more.
Thank YOU!
It’s so much fun to learn from these amazing authors and leaders as we support their work. Thank you for joining with us in the promotion and helping us spread the word. It amazes all of us what incredible people we have in our base at Team Buzz Builder and beyond, and we love hearing from each and every one of you. Thanks for being a part of our team!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.