There have been several times in the last few weeks that I have found myself saying to different people, “time flies!” Today’s feature is another example of that being the case.
One year ago, we were winding down from the launch of Wind In Your Sails by David Greer (that’s when I took the photo of me holding his book). Having first worked with David at another company, it was fun for us to be able to support him personally as he walked through the book publication and promotion process.
Recently, Weaving Influence founder and CEO, Becky Robinson, sat down with David for an update on what’s been happening in his professional life, and what he’s learned about growing his online influence. To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of his book launch, we thought now was the perfect time to share it with you!
David Greer Q & A
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned about growing online influence?
Don’t do it yourself. Partnering with others on their platforms helps you reach a larger audience. Social is about connection and the focus is continuing connections that I gained as part of a book launch. Developing an audience takes a long time. I’ve learned that intentionally engaging on other platforms helps me reach a wider audience.
What activities do you see that are most valuable for you?
One value I am looking for is generating leads – this is challenging. I have a lot of momentum in achieving my vision of Interaction, learning, and feeling as though I am making a positive difference through my online presence. I get a lot of value from the #LeadWithGiants tweetchat with Dan Forbes. Showing up consistently over time is a very big deal.
My vision is to get 100,000 entrepreneurs to step into their single biggest challenge. The value I get in my online interactions is in sharing my ideas and have people respond and moving toward the vision I have for the contribution I want to make.
What has been one of your biggest challenges with your online presence?
The biggest challenge is translating my online presence, relationships, and interactions into sales. I have sold far fewer copies of Wind In Your Sails than I wished. I am still thrilled about the content I wrote and I am disappointed that the book has not landed in more people’s hands. It’s an ongoing challenge.
What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning to grow influence online?
Show up! You have got to show up and participate. If you don’t have a platform and aren’t ready to do the writing, find people whose ideas resonate with you and comment and engage with the conversation.
When you are ready, start writing. Get your ideas written down and out there where others can both see them and interact with you and your ideas.
What opportunities have you gained that you would not have had without being online?
I have been a co-host once per quarter on #LeadwithGiants and posted content there, which has helped me clarify my thinking. Writing has made a massive difference for me. I am also blogging for The CEO Magazine monthly.
I’ve grown my friends network on Facebook and have been proactive in deepening relationships with people including meeting face to face.
What relationships have you been able to cultivate that you would not have without being online?
I’ve built many relationships through my online presence, people I might not have met otherwise. I’ve made conscious choices to go deeper and have conversations with people I’ve met online. I met many through my book launch and built those relationships after the launch. I continue to interact and grow my network. I joined the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) last year. After attending the CAPS National Convention in Halifax last year, I have followed up with many new friends and interactions online and face-to-face with CAPS members.
What challenges have you experienced in growing your online presence?
The biggest challenge for me is translating my online presence into leads and book sales.
What surprises have you experienced in growing your online presence?
The depth of the personal connections I’ve gained has been a big surprise to me. I don’t get feedback very often, but when I do, I am surprised at the breadth and depth of difference my work makes. The delight is having a bigger impact than I knew.
What one factor do you see as most critical to your burgeoning success as a thought leader? Doing the work is the biggest contributor. What conversations did you have? What comments did you receive? How did you help and contribute to others? This is not a passive deal – it’s active.
You have to be consciously active. @djgreer #WindInYourSails
Book and Author Info – Time to Connect!
Find David on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and his Coach David J. Greer Website.
You can purchase Wind In Your Sails at several online retailers, including Amazon (U.S. | Canada), Barnes & Noble, and Kobo (additional links found HERE).
If you already have a copy, don’t forget to leave a review at any or all of those sites, and add it to your “read” or “to read” shelf on Goodreads.
If you’d like to get involved in the anniversary celebration, start by telling your online communities about David and his book. You can find tweets to share and graphics to pin and promote on the book’s website.
Watch David’s NEW Corporate Strategy Video
If you haven’t gotten to know David, I encourage you to do so this week. He’s an outstanding individual, supportive of others (I can personally attest to that), encouraging, engaging, and one of a kind (in the best way). Pick up a copy of David’s book for you, and a second one for a friend, introduce your online communities to David, and let’s put some new buzz out there for Wind In Your Sails today! Congratulations, David! May year two be filled with more success, more sales, and more connections!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.