If someone asked you what your biggest “WIN” was for the week, what would you say? Becky likes the Weaving Influence team to regularly share our wins, no matter how big or small. During book promotion weeks, my wins usually revolve around Amazon numbers or new book reviews or the number of tweets that have been sent out. It’s certainly been a week of wins for Jim Blasingame, and we love celebrating each one of them.
As the project manager for our book launches, I don’t have quite as much direct interaction with clients as Becky or the lead project managers do. As an introvert (INTJ, if you want the whole truth), I’m usually okay with that, and it’s one of the reasons this job works for me. But sometimes, picking up the phone is the only way to quickly and clearly come up with a solution, and even I, introvert that I am, get tired of miscommunicating through emails. This week, my WIN was getting to spend a few minutes talking with the subject of today’s post, and discovering what a delightful person she is.
Meet Dr. Kathy Cramer
Where to begin? Kathy is a psychologist, author of nine books, creator of Asset-Based Thinking (ABT), and won an Emmy for her film Stress: A Personal Challenge. She’s a business consultant who has worked with companies like Starbucks and Microsoft, but who also assists many educational and non-profit organizations. If you want to see her in action, I encourage you to watch her TEDx talk (you’ll learn more about ABT too!).
Her new book, Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do, is scheduled for a big launch March 17 – 21; in preparation for that I found myself on the phone with Kathy, discussing details about several pages we’re creating for her. What took me by surprise was that despite her impressive credentials, she could not have been more down to earth. She’s charming and gracious, funny and engaging – just five minutes of speaking with her and you’d want to rush out and buy all of her books to see what she has to say. Since she’s a little busy writing books and sharing her wisdom around the country, the next best thing is to…
Connect with Kathy Online!
You will absolutely want to visit (and bookmark) Kathy’s beautiful website (drkathycramer.com). Find her on Facebook, follow on Twitter, add her to your Google+ circles, and connect on LinkedIn.
February Special Offer
As previously mentioned, Dr. Cramer is the author of nine books, including the best-seller, Change the Way You See Everything. During the month of February, Kathy will be giving a code for a FREE iBook version of her best-seller to everyone who pre-orders Lead Positive. I’ve mentioned before that I am a lifelong bookworm, so free books always make me a little giddy. If you want to take advantage of this special offer, click through to the Pre-Order page for specific details on how to claim your free iBook. Interested in reading a sample from her new book? Click here.

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.