I’ve been on Facebook since July of 2007. In 2011 I joined the ranks of Goodreads and Pinterest, and in January of 2012, I reluctantly got a Twitter account. The irony of my slow acceptance of social media is that I’ve now been gainfully employed in the social world for the last three and a half years, thanks to Becky Robinson.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned – both from my personal use of it, as well as professionally – it’s that social is always changing. Just when you think you have it figured out, they change the system – or add a completely new platform!
Over the last three and a half years, I’ve watched with interest the growth of social media in the corporate world. When companies merge, it’s no longer just a question of, “how do we split up the stocks and board members?” but, “how do we merge our social channels and keep our followers?”
Social media has found its way into the board rooms. Our resumes are now our LinkedIn profiles. Entrepreneurs who are busy growing a new venture must also juggle social media if they want to find an audience. If any of this sounds familiar, then I think you’ll enjoy getting to know today’s featured authors.
Meet Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner
Tony Bingham is the president and CEO of the Association for Talent Development, formerly ASTD, the world’s largest professional association dedicated to those who develop talent in organizations. He empowers professionals to develop talent in the workplace.
Tony believes in creating a culture of engaged, high-performing teams that deliver extraordinary results. Deeply passionate about change, technology, and the impact of talent development, his focus is on adding value to ATD members and the global community of talent development professionals.
He believes that aligning talent development efforts to business strategy, while utilizing the power of social and mobile technology for learning, is a key differentiator in business today.
Marcia Conner is a former corporate executive who now dedicates her time to reinventing a vibrant and healthy global ecosystem. Described as a “blank page systems architect,” she works closely with risk-taking leaders, impact entrepreneurs, and unreasonable thinkers, ready to use their powers for good.
Marcia is a SupporTED Mentor, contributes to Fast Company and Wired, is an activist with Change Agents Worldwide, and a fellow at the Darden School of Business. She is advisor to the Way to Wellville and MMINDD Labs.
She is also the author of Learn More Now, a co-author of Creating a Learning Culture, and a contributor to Changing The World Of Work. Marcia speaks across the globe on outcompeting current structures through system innovation and ingenuity.
Connect with Tony & Marcia on Social
As the president and CEO of ATD, Tony would love to connect with you on the ATD Facebook page, or you can follow him on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google+.
Marcia can be found on Facebook, tweeting away on Twitter, as well as LinkedIn and Google+.
Discover The New Social Learning
The best spot to go to learn more about this helpful book is their book website: thenewsociallearning.com. There you can find a free sample chapter to download, more information about the book (like where to order), and beautiful share graphics and tweets to send out. You can also download engaging content and tools from The New Social Learning. Don’t miss stopping by and checking it all out this weekend!
As it’s Buzz Week for the book, I would be remiss if I didn’t point you to one of these three guest posts, hosted by:
- Jane Anderson @ InsiteSkill
- Chantal Bechervaise @ Take It Personnel-ly
- And Innovation Excellence
If you’ve read the book, this weekend would also be an excellent time to stop by Amazon and join Lisa, Paul, Christopher, Andy, and Rebecca by leaving your review. Short, sweet, and to the point, or long and detailed – book reviews are one of the best (and easiest) ways to show your support for an author and their work, so head on over to Amazon today!
Want to do more?
Send this tweet now and show your social support!
Community is created by connecting & creating a better world together. #NewSocialLearning @marciamarcia @tonybingham http://bit.ly/buyTNSL {Tweet Now!}

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.