One of the things that our team enjoys doing is helping to build the buzz for a book that has already been out in the world for a while. We differentiate these from our new book launches by referring to them as “Buzz Weeks.” It’s always fun – and sometimes a little nerve wracking – to see what kind of impact we can make on things like Amazon numbers, Twitter reach, and online book reviews.
I say it’s an impact that “we” make, but that’s an inclusive “we” because the other WI – Weaving Influence – could not make an impact without the hard work, selfless promotional efforts, and reading power of the members of Team Buzz Builder. This year we’ve got some exciting company plans for giving back to this amazing community of people, so if you want to get in on the action – JOIN TBB TODAY! And if you’re already a member (thanks!)… stay tuned!
In the meantime… today marks the end of our Buzz Week for Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Win and we don’t want to close it out until you’ve had a chance to get to know the authors…
Meet Guy Parsons and Allan Milham
Guy Parsons is a well-regarded speaker, teacher, and guide to the continuous improvement community. He regularly delivers inspiring talks at MIT and to leaders involved in YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and EO (Entrepreneur Organization). He is the president of Value Stream Solution and serves on the Shingo Institute Board of Advisors.
For the past 20 years, Guy has worked with over 120 companies across a wide range of industries—from healthcare to financial services to private equity. Early on in his career, he purchased and transformed a titanium bicycle company, and soon after became a founding member of the Lean Enterprise Institute. Through his work, he has developed a passion for the people side of change management. His inspiration for Out of the Question came from a four-hour plane trip, during which he started brainstorming the concepts for the book. There was just one person Guy needed to move the idea forward—Allan Milham, who had served as Guy’s professional coach for several years.
Allan Milham has been coaching leaders to greater performance as a certified professional coach since 1998. Having climbed more than one corporate ladder, Allan has gained key understanding of the dynamic relationship between the needs of individual contributors and the objectives of organizations—and with his strategic “Bold Moves®” system, designed for catapulting high-energy individuals into lives of great contribution, he brings high-energy and passion to the mix.
Prior to starting his own company in 1998, Allan served as a consultant for one of the world’s leading career transition firms, Drake Beam Morin. He also held key leadership roles at Marriott International and TMI USA, an international human resources consulting firm focusing on performance management, customer service, culture change, and human relations. In addition to Out of the Question, Allan is also the co-author of Who Are You… When You Are Big? and Bold Moves: Jump to Outstanding Self-Managed Action.
Connect Online
The first place you’ll want to visit is After you’ve browsed the website, go connect with them on Twitter (Guy) (Allan) and LinkedIn (Guy) (Allan).
Watch the Out of the Question Webinar
About the Book
{From Amazon} Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Win offers a new mindset and a practical approach to thriving in the firestorm of change that today’s leaders face. Existing businesses and business models are facing disruption at all levels. Our younger employees are not satisfied with just a “job,” but rather, want work that allows them to be involved and included in decisions— or they will walk. Leaders of teams who, in the past, could lead through command and control are finding themselves unable to keep up with the pace of change and the expanding challenges of engaging their talent.
This book offers readers a new and relevant framework to guide both personal and group decision-making. With rich stories and practical approaches, you will learn where you currently fall between two leadership styles defined as the Knower leader and the Learner leader. The authors demonstrate how you can make continuous progress towards the ideals of Learner Leadership in order to achieve the best possible outcomes, which inspire and engage teams.
The key for leaders today is to carefully forge authentic and genuine questions, delivered with the right tone and in the right setting. By leading with curiosity and wonder, leaders can reduce stress on themselves by no longer needing to have all the answers. Leading with curiosity creates a collaborative learning environment in which shared explorations of possible solutions flourish, leading to genuine questions. The process is rewarding for all and the results allow a team to accelerate their progress through the power of many.
Check out what some of our Buzz Builders have to say about Out of the Question…
- “Have you ever read a book that suited your personality and also fed your learning aptitude? This book, Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Win seemed tailor made for me.” {Read the rest of Jane Anderson’s review on BC360°}
- “This could be the 2016 winner of best leadership books.” {Andy Uskavitch offers high praise in his Amazon review}
- “Out of the Question offers guidance, tools, and stories about Learner leadership. These will inspire and urge you to learn in order to be a Learner leader.” {See what else Lisa Kosak learned in her review on Green Thumb Leadership}
- “The authors are invested in making sure you get value from their work. I thought the book was excellent. I think you will too.” {See what else Paul McConaughy says on Amazon}
- “If you’re interested in taking your leadership skills to a higher level, read this thought-provoking book and commit to being a LEARNER leader who makes excellent use of QUESTIONS and PAUSES.” {Meredith Bell shares more in her overview at Your Voice of Encouragement}
In addition to these reviews, we’ve been actively sharing guest posts and additional reviews through our accounts on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+, so make sure you click through when you see them go out. If the reviews and book excerpts capture your attention, pick up a copy of the book to read for yourself – and don’t forget to let us know if YOU write a review!
Find Out of the Question Online
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | 800 CEORead | Books-A-Million | Hudson Booksellers
Thanks to our team for helping us build the buzz this week… and beyond!

Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.
This is excellent! I rarely get a chance to read book reviews by others of my family of Team Buzz Builders. I love how you listed them with the links. How cool is that?!?! I’m not even aware of your plans for TBB but am excited because the team at Weaving Influence knows how to make the best things happen. I would say count me in, but I’m already in. So count me solid in. How’s that? Another super post, Carrie!
Thanks, Jane! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂