One thing about working – even virtually – with strong personalities and visionaries (and don’t forget the INTJ – hi there!), is that no one is ever satisfied with the status quo. Despite having 50 book launches under our collective belt, we’re always looking for new ways to share, new promotions to try, and new ideas for the next time.
This week two of our directors met to come up with ideas for new processes, strategies, and team organization. To hear them talk about it, you would have thought they had just been handed an all expense paid trip to Hawaii; their giddiness about coming up with fresh ideas and better ways to do things as a company was – and is – contagious.
As one of the few introverts in a virtual team of extroverts, not to mention the “safety first” gal, I’m usually the one with the panicked look on my face as I realize I have to flex out of my comfort zone and learn something new. But no matter how much I might like to be comfortable, I also realize that even with 50 successful book launches, there’s always the next one on the horizon and something new to try.
Meet our next author and his book…
Meet John Manning
John Manning is the President of Management Action Programs, Inc. (MAP), a general management consulting firm based in Southern California. Since 1960, MAP has tapped its talent and expertise to help 170,000 leaders in over 15,000 organizations nationwide create breakthrough results.
John has diverse experience in business leadership, having held executive positions in Fortune 500 companies in operations, marketing, and sales. Formerly the Director of Operations for McKesson Water Products, Inc., he was also part of a leadership team that took the company national.
A resident of Southern California, John enjoys mentoring young professionals and entrepreneurs. An avid cyclist, John is passionate about spending time in the great outdoors. He is devoted to his wife Robin and his entire family.
Connect with John (and MAP) Online
Find John (and MAP) on: Facebook, Twitter (John)/Twitter (MAP), LinkedIn (John)/LinkedIn (MAP), and YouTube. Learn more about the work of MAP by visiting their website.
Support the Launch of The Disciplined Leader – June 15-19!
Coming up in about a month, we’re inviting you to join with us as we help John launch his first book book, The Disciplined Leader (now available on Amazon for pre-order). Get involved by telling your online communities about it using the resources found HERE.
On June 23 at 1 pm (ET)/10 am (PT), you’ll want to mark your calendars and make plans to join John and Becky for a webinar on the ideas found in The Disciplined Leader. As with all of our webinars it’s absolutely free to attend, so register today, and invite a friend to join you!
Don’t forget to check out book’s NEW website, and start spreading the word as we get ready for the launch. Ready to discover your leadership disciplines? Start by reading The Disciplined Leader and the join us for an exciting launch next month!
You Tell Me! What book (leadership or otherwise) are you currently reading?
Carrie leads proofreading and editing, ensuring all messages are clearly communicated to the intended audience, whether through a website, social media, book, blog, newsletter, or ebook. She’s also our in-house Goodreads librarian and is happiest working behind the scenes to make others shine.