This time of year, most people’s thoughts turn towards happiness. Some, because they feel so over-the-top happy (there’s a reason why we have the saying “happier than a kid at Christmas”). Others, because they feel so un–happy.
Let’s talk about that second group for a few minutes. Would you consider yourself unhappy, not just in this holiday season, but with life in general?
Happiness can become a full-time grinding job if you think you have to struggle so much to get it. But Dr. John Izzo, author of the forthcoming book The Five Thieves of Happiness, believes finding happiness doesn’t have to be so hard. It’s not dependent on the “happenings” of your life, but rather on your inner world — the internal filters and mindsets that you use to process your experiences.
He names five mental thought patterns that we allow to rob us of our innate sense of happiness:
- Control
- Conceit
- Coveting
- Consumption
- Comfort
Want to find out what thief is stealing your happiness? Izzo has created a simple 20 question quiz to help you determine which of these five common mental patterns are standing in your way.
>>> Take the quiz here <<<
The results not only highlight your top thief, but also offers four ways banish each one of the thieves for good. With each thief you banish, you’ll be closer to finding happiness!
Want to learn more about these five thieves?
We’ll share more about The Five Thieves of Happiness when it launches in January, but in the meantime you can visit here to learn more. Intrigued and want to read the whole book? There’s still time to participate in the launch! Sign up here to receive a free copy of the book in exchange for sharing a review of it on your blog.
Also, mark your calendar for January 5th! We’ll be hosting John in a thoughtful and inspiring free one-hour webinar that describes the disguises these thieves wear, the tools they use to break into our hearts, and how to lock them out once and for all. Register here.
What thief is robbing YOU of happiness? We’d love to hear your results!
Image credit: 72soul / 123RF Stock Photo
Elizabeth Johnson loves the color yellow, strong {black} coffee, editing, and exploring the mountains in rural Wyoming and Utah, where she and her husband serve as church planters. In her free time, she enjoys learning new things, hand-lettering and acrylic painting, and gaming with her husband.