My husband likes to say that I am a “safety first” woman. I find security in doing things the same way, in following rules and avoiding unnecessary risks. There’s a reason Becky Robinson started Weaving Influence (willing to take a risk) and why I’m more content as a contractor (it’s “safer” here). If the “status quo” is working, why change it, right? Not necessarily.
All across the world, people are coming up with new ideas, new ways of doing things; they are breaking the mold, punching out of the box, and trying new management systems that might cause a few heads (including my own) to spin. But you know what? It’s working.
How do I know it’s working? Meet today’s author…
Meet David Burkus
David Burkus is passionate about leadership, innovation, and strategy. He’s made it his purpose to facilitate the transfer of good ideas. Toward that end, he is focused on filling that gap between what science knows and what we most often do.
He is the author The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies Generate Great Ideas. He writes regularly for Harvard Business Review, Forbes, PsychologyToday and 99U. He’s also the founder and host of Radio Free Leader, a podcast that shares insights on leadership, innovation, and strategy.
David has delivered keynote speeches and workshops for Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft and Stryker, in-demand conferences such as SXSW and TEDx events, and governmental leaders and future leaders at the US Naval Academy and Naval Postgraduate School.
“When I’m not speaking or waiting in an airport lounge, I’m in the classroom.” ~ David Burkus
David is an associate professor of management at Oral Roberts University, where he teaches courses on organizational behavior, creativity and innovation, and strategic leadership.
Connect with David on Social
- You can find David on Facebook
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Discover Under New Management
“I can’t stop raving about Under New Management to friends and colleagues. If you are going to read one book on being a better manager in the next year, start here. David Burkus has assembled the most practical research and provocative ideas into an incredibly quick read.” – Tom Rath, bestselling author of STRENGTHS FINDER 2.0
From Amazon:
Do open floor plans really work? Are there companies that put their employees’ welfare first, and their clients second? Are annual performance reviews necessary? […] Drawing on decades of research, [David] Burkus has found that not only are many of our fundamental management practices wrong and misguided, but they can be downright counterproductive.
These days, the best companies are breaking the old rules. At some companies, e-mail is now restricted to certain hours, so that employees can work without distraction. Netflix no longer has a standard vacation policy of two to three weeks, but instructs employees to take time off when they feel they need it. And at Valve Software, there are no managers; the employees govern themselves.
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