Outstanding. Remarkable. Splendid. Awesome. Superb. Great. Amazing. Admirable. Excellent. Wonderful. Superior. Magnificent. Extraordinary. Special. Exceptional. Brilliant.
As a new business owner, I’d be beyond thrilled if someone used one of those adjectives to describe my company. I’d love to hear Weaving Influence called “An Outstanding Organization” or an excellent one. Exceptional even.
Reading Karen Martin’s book, The Outstanding Organization: Generate Business Results by Eliminating Chaos and Building the Foundation for Everyday Excellence gave me hope that outstandingness — for any organization — is an attainable, achievable goal.
I first picked up Karen’s book late last fall, when an online connection referred Karen to me as a potential client. Karen’s focus on the importance of building a strong foundation instantly captured my attention. She clearly diagnoses common problems organizations face, foundational problems like lack of focus, lack of discipline, lack of engagement, and lack of clarity.
As I read, I could clearly identify some areas for improvement.
I also love that Karen recognizes that becoming outstanding is a journey. In fact, Karen says the journey to outstanding can take up to ten years! Since I have not completed even one full year in business, that gives me hope.
Here’s what I know we need to do (thanks to Karen for the wisdom from the book and the image.)
All those superlatives — they’re within reach when we practice, analyze, and adjust.
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To become outstanding, practice, analyze, adjust. Buy the book! #TOOBook http://bit.ly/TOOBook

I am the founder/CEO of the Weaving Influence team, the author of Reach: Creating the Biggest Possible Audience for Your Message, Book, or Cause, and the host of the Book Marketing Action Podcast. I’m a wife and mom of three kids, and I enjoy running, reading, writing, coffee, and dark chocolate.